Chapter 2: Friends?

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I walk into chemistry, hoping I get Magen my best friend since grade R being my chemistry partner. Magen is on the second last desk to the right with the colourful periodic table. To the left of the classroom facing the door is the black and white periodic table on the wall without the electronegativity levels. The chemistry class has two types of desks. The first three rows are normal desks, and the last three rows are bigger desks which fits two people at a single desk. The bigger desks are a darker brown and the smaller desks which can have one person is a peach colour.

"Hey," Magen puts her bag down as I reach the table she is sitting at.

"Hey," I respond, placing my bag down on floor, leaning against the leg of the table closest to my chair.

"Will you be home today?" Magen asks, I nod my head.

"My keys are in my locker," I tell her, she nods her head before turning to look at the front. Yesterday I was too busy beating someone up for my half-brother, I did not have time to go home in case someone was following me. I ended up staying at a safe house.

Magen and I share an apartment by the school together. She works at a hospital as a medical assistant, and I work for my father- technically my stepfather. I also do underground boxing for money, which is sometimes hard to hide the money from Magen. She knows I do boxing; she just does not know I work for my father or what my father does for a living, but I am sure she heard the rumors.

"Good day, student. I am going to be trying something different this year. You guys will have a study buddy, an accountability buddy which will be one person, but I will be giving you, your partner," Mr. Kafola enters the classroom, making everyone go quiet. He stands on the stage- the floor is raised in front of the board which has a projector facing towards it.

"I am putting a list up, you can come and see it after, I have handed out your physical science books. These are the ones which have just arrived," he pins the paper with names on the board without a projector facing it and the one closest to the door.

"I will look for both of us," Magen whispers, for only me to hear her.

"Thanks," I rub my head from the headache forming from lack of sleep. My voice is low in case the teacher can hear us.

The teacher passes us and gives us our new physical science book for the year- the cover of the book is white with blue writing, it had name and grade written in a blue colour. The government had made Chemistry and Physics combined as one subject.

"Thank you, sir," I say, trying to act nice and get on the teacher's good side. If I get on the teacher's good side, they can be lenient when it comes to marking my test.

"Welcome, also Miss Scoleman, I am going to need you to start focusing more in class, so your practical marks are as good as your theoretical marks," Sir informs me. Last year, I got higher marks in my theory paper than the practical we were marked on.

"Okay, sir. I will try," I put a fake smile on, just as the left side of my head starts hurting. I turn to my bag and get my water bottle. I drink some water- more like chug what was left in the bottle down- hoping it will help with the headache.

"I have paired you up with Mr. Harandas," Sir informs me, my face drops, my heart drops, I think my headache must be affecting me more. I think sir just told me; he paired me up with Zak for chemistry. Sir walks away, Magen starts laughing.

"Did he just-" I start but Magen interrupts me, "Yes."

"Shut up," I tell her, trying to make her stop laughing. Great, I have a headache and my chemistry and physics partner, is the person I despise the most. My Monday morning is not looking good so far.

It seems to be going downhill by the second.

"You guys may see who you are with," Sir says, getting back to his desk.

After a few seconds, Zak approaches me. I look him up and down. He has a good body structure, but our school uniform does not do good for his physique.

"So, we are buddies. We just have to strengthen our friendship, so we both trust each other," Zak says, sliding his phone towards me. I look at him confused.

"For your number," he answers my puzzle expression. This boy thinks we are friends. If I am going to make my mom happy with my grades, then I will have to hate Zak a little less.

"Oh, okay," I take his phone and add my number to his phone.

"Thanks," he says, still awkwardly standing by my desk.

"Is there anything else you need," I say with an annoyed voice.

"Where your house is, so we can take turns at being at each other's house,"

"Later, I'll pin drop you my location," I answer, annoyance laced in my voice.

Zak leaves just as Magen looks at me with an unimpressed expression.

"What?" I question her expression.

"The poor guy, seemed like he shit his pants from you,"

"Sounds like a he problem and not a me problem,"

"This is why your single, look at your mentality,"

"I do not do exclusive and labels, I do wine dine sixty-nine and then proceed to kick them out," I answer with a blank expression and bored tone. 

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