Chapter 16: She makes my heart rate pick up

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I knock on the door of Dia's Apartment. I wait a while before knocking again on the door. The door finally opens, Magen looks at me shocked. She closes the door a little bit, so only I can see her and not the house.

"What are you doing here?" Magen questions me, her dirty blonde hair is in a pony, and she has a white, blue and green tote bag on her right shoulder. Her phone is in her left hand with her keys. hhhhhdfijfha

"I have a study session and writing note session with Dia," I answer her question. She looks me up and down before opening the door wider. Dia and Magen's house has a black aesthetic to it. It looks like it could be a house right of off ...Pinterest.

"Do not do anything funny," Magen says before she exits the house, I enter the house. The front of the apartment has a office looking space on the left with a long bookshelf from just a few centimeters after the door ends of the room and the end of the room. The room has two bean chairs and two black desks. The right of the apartment is a wall with a few pictures. There is a small step up towards the apartment where there seems to be shoes left at the front. I keep forgetting Dia is South African Indian- she takes her shoes of at home as a sign of respect if I am not mistaken.

I remove my shoes and walk to the pathway which leads to the lounge. The lounge has big round sofas and a TV on the wall facing the Lounge and dining room. The dining room is after the TV room. To the far end is a kitchen. There seems to be a pathway in which leads to the scullery.

"Dia," I call out to let her know I am home. Dia exits one of the rooms which has an archway to the left of the kitchen if you are looking at the kitchen from either the dinning room or living room.

"You are a little bit early," she calls from the kitchen, "Let me get some water and we can start." Dia walks towards the tap. She has a cup in her hand, she opens the tap in the kitchen which is on the right from where I am facing it in the Lounge.

"Would you like anything?" she asks, making me take my eyes away from her beautifully sculpted butt and thighs. Normally I am respectful towards girls and will not look without their consent but with Dia, it is like I am a totally different person with no self-control.

"No, I am alright," I look away from her gaze, "you have a beautiful apartment."

"Thank you," she says walking back to the room. I walk after her like a puppy following its master.

"Shall we start?" she says entering her room.

She has a bunk bed- at the bottom is a desk and the top is a bed. The other side if the room has two sofas.

"Do you want the desk or the sofa?" she asks.

"Anyone," I tell her.

"I will take the desk," she puts her drink down on the desk.

I remove the bag from my shoulders with my chemistry stuff and my pencil case. I take a seat on the one sofa. Both sofas are black, and they are an armchair type of sofa.

"Should we start with the types of chemical bonding and then carry on from there?" Dia says. I nod my head. My favorite chemical bonding is the hydrogen bonding. It is- in my opinion- the easiest to remember for the elements and the information. It is just the definition we are supposed to know off my heart which confused me a little with the wording.

I look for my highlighter but seem to have forgotten it at Keadon's house when we were doing our business proposal.

"Can I barrow a highlighter, I forgot mine at Keadon's house?" I question, putting my pencil case on top of my open bag.

"Sure," she hands me her pencil case which has more highlighter colours than mine does. I only have four colours for my highlighter pack, I try to keep the colours less otherwise my notes might start looking like art.

"Thank you," I say while taking the purple highlighter.


After writing bonding in purple, I hand Dia back her highlighter, our fighters brush and my heart rate starts picking up. Like I just rain laps around the school field or did exercise. I can hear my heart rate in my heart and the beating is so loud I can feel it beating in my heart like my heart is about to jump out of my body.

How does Dia have the ability to do this to me? Does she know what so does to me? Is she doing this to me on purpose, is she distracting me from my studies? Is she trying to seduce me? Why does her body have the ability to make me feel disorientated? Does she know about my Afrikaans mark? Does she know I didn't get the perfect 100%? Why do I feel like the world is slowing down when she makes eye contact.

"Are you alright?" she asks, giving me a worried stare. I look down to see Dia is using an ankle brace, but the brace has more of a metal support than it being fabricated support.

"Yeah, just feeling tired from this week," I say, trying to get my heart rate to slow down by taking deep breathes.

The next thing I know, Dia's lips are on mine and her hands are on my chest.

I pull away from her, "Why?"

"You were having an anxiety attack or panic attack... when I kissed you, it slowed down your breathing," she tells me, she moves away from me and back to her desk.

"Thanks, I guess," I say, my mind slowed down when her lips where on mine and her hands. Her small yet powerful hands where on my body.

"Are you alright?" she gives me her cup of water, "The first time I had my panic attack was when I was thirteen just about to turn fourteen. I was so scared of my opponent in boxing, they were intimidating," she informs me. I take the water before nodding, "Ace had to calm me down but after he tried different techniques, he got my old crush to kiss me. It worked faster than any of the breathing techniques he made me do," she says, I take a sip of the water. "He gave me water afterwards to help my body recover from the lack of air getting from my lungs to my heart."

"Thank you" I say, looking away from her. I am embarrassed, normally I have my calm or cool but one thing I have learnt is anxiety isn't always about being jittery, sometimes it is being way to calm and looking perfectly normal or too much of a calm person. Anxiety does not always have to be where the person is freaking out, sometimes it happens in the brain and the body seems perfectly normal.

"I won't tell anyone if you are embarrassed," she says, I look at her. I know my cheeks are probably red right now.

"Why? A lot of people would love to see me disorganized," I question.

"Because maybe we aren't so different after all Harandas," she says, when she says my surname, my penis jumps in my pains. Blood is sent to the bottom half of my body.

"Thank you," I say, I feel bad for judging Dia. I never thought she had problems just like the rest of us. We carryon working on our physics slash chemistry notes and Dia does not bring up my embarrassing moment up again. 

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