Chapter 27: Dead girl's secrets

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"You have broken up families," the voice- cold vice- says as they start choking me. I close my eyes. Let me have a quick death; a quick death is a blessing.

They realize their grip on my neck. I start gasping and coughing for air.

"You look so pathetic and weak right now," the girl's voice says, making me anger.

"I look pathetic, your fucking bitching and not to mention. You captured me and is probably going to fucking torture me but won't have a fucking fair fight because you know I will win if we go against each other in a fight," I say.

The female from behind me walks from my left side to my right side, she places her hand on my neck. Grazing her finger from my jaw to my voice box to my other side of my jaw.

"So fucking cocky," she whispers in my ear. She moves her hand to be on the lower half of my neck- is she trying to turn me on by choking me?

She quickly moves her hand to be placed on my voice box before she starts choking me. I feel my air ways closing, she isn't teasing like the boy or man did. She is being serious, not lose like the man or boy had done before. My head feels like it is about to explode from the lack of oxygen and my lungs are begging for oxygen.

I start coughing from lack of air but the coughing sounds. My arms and legs start moving in an attempt to free myself- it is natural defense to keep me alive. My eyes start closing and my coughing turns into wheezing.

"Stop," the first voice says loud and clear.

The person lets go off my throat. I start coughing and taking deep deep breathes.

"You have killed over fifty people," the females voice says.

"Are you sure killed and not slept with?" the colder voice says. Not a lot of people know I sleep with new people almost every week, I make the person I sleep with do an STD test and sign a confidential and a non-discloser agreement. This person has to be close to me. This person has to be in the Black Roses gang because out of the forty-eight of them, they know about my sleeping around habits.

The colder voice- a male- takes a knife and plays with it on my right hand. If I move, I can potentially make the knife penetrate my skin. I try to be as still as I can be while the knife goes gently on my skin, sending a shiver down my back. In normal circumstances I would move my arm away but while it is being tied up and I have no control. Something tells me to be as still as a manikin. The familiar voice is still standing with their back facing towards me. They are in a black suit with-

Something sharp takes me out of my thoughts as it hits neck. It does not cut me to deep but it cuts me deep enough for a little blood to be drown a few centimeters below my voice box.

It is a sharp pain, but I know the pain will get worst until I am dead. They will torture me until my last breath unless I find a way to get out of here.

"Stop fucking around," the man starts to slowly turn around, "and Dia. There is no way you are getting out of this."

"Sorry," the two voices say behind me.

"Yes, father," I say, seeing the man's facial features. Who would have thought, my own biological father would kidnap me.

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