Chapter 15: Feelings?

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Magen told me to keep away from Zak, she suspects I have feelings for him. She says it will be dangerous for a person like me to like a person like him. We would never make a perfect couple maybe a perfect toxic couple, but nothing pretty will come from it. She also reminded me of our family reputation and how they would never support the relationship.

I walk into chemistry slash physics. The government should have physics and chemistry separate subjects instead of having it as one subject.

I take my seat. I only brought my science books, my phone, and my pencil case. My bag is in my locker, this is my last subject and if I go to my locker, then I will remember my math's homework. Also, after this I have a meeting with my enemy gang's leader. They had reached put to me and Ace said I can go in with a wire and a few agents.

I take my seat while putting my stuff down on the desk.

"Hey," I greet Zak. First mistake, I am suppose to be ignoring him so I can no longer care about him. Why did I just greet him? I would mentally face parm myself but from the confused look on his face. It tells me I messed up somewhere along the line.

"Hey," Zak skeptically says. I raise my eyebrow. Is he being like this from what happened during Afrikaans?

"How are you?" I question, trying not to refer to seeing him in the hospital.

"I am good thanks," he pauses for a second before he carries on, "How are you doing? Your leg?"

"It is alright, the doctor said I need to be more careful," he nods as I inform him what the doctor had said. Why am I telling him this, I love my privacy, "He gave me pain meds and some other medication to help the healing process go faster."

He nods slower this time, taking in the information before saying, "That is good but shouldn't you be resting at home?"

"I should but do you think school gives two shits about whether we are sick or injured. It would be our responsibility to catch it up and they do not help when getting injured and sick is a human thing to do," I inform him, he cringes when I said, 'shits' but other than that he nods as I inform him.

"You are right, it is our responsibility for something out of our hands," he agrees with my opinion.

"Are we studying later today?" Zak asks just as the teacher walks into the class.

"My house, or your house?" I question.

"Your house," he answers just as we have to start taking notes.

"Thank you," I say before I start jotting down some notes from on the board.

I internally smile at Zak being considerate towards me and having a concern on whether I am doing alright or not. I do not know why but it has made my day. I can not have feelings for him, maybe I just like his comfort and company. Liking someone is completely different. 

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