Chapter 4: Boxing is not for the weak

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My friend decided to drag me to underground boxing. Right now, I am standing by my brother and our mutual friends. We are looking at the boxing ring waiting for the boxers to fight. My brother told me girls boxing are attractive and to which he said I should join him tonight to watch the two best boxers go against one another.

The lights lower down and the only light is on the boxing ring and a few dim lights around the stadium. A girl with blonde hair goes into the ring.

"The challenger," the referee speaks into the mic, "She has been fighting since she was fourteen, give it up for," he gives a suspenseful pause, "Jessica Robertson."

She walks up to the referee and throws kisses before turning to the door and throwing her middle fingers towards the door.

"The champion and defender," the doors open just as he says that everyone turns to look at the doors, "Dia Scoleman, the all-time champion since she was thirteen."

Dia walks through the door, looking supper pumped. Her beautiful brown hair is put into two braised from the top of her head all the way down. Her hair ends just above her butt.

She looks hot in her red boxing clothes. Her shorts make her ass look bigger than it looks like at school.

Her short legs are glowing as she walks, her hips swaying as she gets to the ring. Her chest goes in a gentle movement up and down. Boys' and girls' musts be enjoying seeing girls' box for this reason. Dia's whole presence made the underground stadium go quiet.

Everyone seems too stunned to make a notice from her removing her thin coat and her body, Yoh. Her body is something else, no wonder the boys at school take bets to see who can bed her. Who can bed her and get into a relationship with her. She gets into the ring. Even Jessica now looks scared, like she has never seen Dia before.

They both get into a fighting stance and the lights go off, all over. Only a light above the ring tourns on. A bell rings and the girls start circling each other.

Jessica throws a punch. Dia steps away from her. Dia sets forward. Her legs swings up. It hits Jessica in the face. Jessica falls back. Dia takes another hit at her with her other leg. Jessica falls back, against the rope. The bell signals a break.

Dia walks to her side of the rope. I forgot in underground boxing, there are very few rules, almost anything and everything goes. A girl taps my shoulder and I turn to look at her.

"Do you want to get out of her?" she is upfront about her intentions.

"No, I am alright," I inform her. I am celibacy and I do not have a change in mind to fix that. I am happy with sex until after marriage. I have no problem with having sex after marriage.

The bell rings again but this time there are two boys in jeans with a harness from their neck to their rib cage, holding up a sign with "Round 2"

Both boxers walk to the middle of the ring, the referee puts their hand up and then down. The second round has begun.

Jessica's fist collides with Dia's stomach. Dia moves back abruptly and looks at the referee. Dia moves closer to Jessica. Dia kicks her in the stomach and then again in the head. Jessica falls to the ground and the bell rings again.

Both the boxers move back to their corner. Dia seems to be fatal with her legs. I have not seen her use her hands yet to take out Jessica. Dia said she was busy, was she talking about her boxing match tonight? Is her boxing more important to her than her grades? I wonder if she is even academically smart.

The boxers walk back to the middle of the ring as the two men from before walk with a new sign, 'Round 3' in red. I look to my right and see a lot more girls than guys but if I look above me, to the other seats. There are more boys which look scarier than the girls watching the boxing match.

Round three starts and Jessica looks pissed from her stances. My brother leans down from my left and say, "Jessica would be a good bang."

His breathe smells like alcohol. The difference between him and I, is our parents are harder on me to carry the family's reputation and business.

Dia gets into her fighting stance. The bell rings again and they start circling each other. Jessica kicks Dia. Dia stumbles backwards. Jessica kicks Dia again. Dia dodges the kick. Dia throws a punch. Jessica gets hit in the diaphragm. Jessica gets on her knees. Dia does a kick to her head. Jessica is down. Jessica side swept Dia. Dia lands on her back. The bell rings.

The referee looks at both coaches before taking the microphone.

"The winner is Dia," the referee says, someone comes and picks Dia up. Dia limps out the ring, she might have hurt her ankle.

I have no idea what just happened, but I feel like Jessica won the last point. 

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