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this is the first method i tried as mentioned in the previous chapter! all methods have to do with visualization of course, but this one is very much based in realizing and seeing and feeling your surroundings.

it's recommended to meditate before any method for 10-20 minutes. i usually do 15, it helps me get my body into a relaxed state and rid my mind of any annoying thoughts (for the most part)

lay in a comfortable position, whether that be starfish or not. it doesn't matter as long as you can relax your body. close your eyes and keep them closed for the entirety of this method.

imagine that you're laying in your bed in your dr. describe how the sheets feel, paying attention to every little detail. what do they look like? are they patterned or solid? etc.
sit up and look around your room. what do you see? describe it to yourself. do you have a desk or a dresser? any posters on the walls? does your room smell like anything? peaches? rain? freshly brewed coffee? try and immerse yourself completely in your dr bedroom.
do you hear anyone outside your room? maybe you live with the byers family and you can hear jonathan and will talking about something.
once you feel you're really in your dr bedroom, plant your feet on the ground. what does it feel like? is it carpet or hardwood? is the ground cold or warm and comforting?
next, imagine a comfort character or love interest from your dr in your room. do they enter your room and sit next to you? are they at your desk? are they rummaging through your closet? maybe they're just standing in your doorway.
they're so happy to see you! and you're so happy to see them. you're going to need to focus on that positive energy
now, approach your character. you can run to them or walk up to them or fall into their arms, it doesn't matter. just imagine hugging the character you see. focus on the feeling of their clothing, the warmth emanating from them, the way they smell. feel the way they wrap their arms around you - are they hesitant? if so, why? do they hug back immediately, hugging as tight as possible? feel the warm fuzzy energy growing, feel how excited you are to finally be with them after so long.

after you feel you've hugged them for long enough, spend some time with them. you could listen to music and dance together, you could read together or be watching a movie together or just have a conversation with them, it doesn't matter. whatever you want to do, as long as you do it with them. this will make the positive energy grow, which is incredibly important. you need to have high vibrations, so spend as long as you need with them until you're certain that your vibrations are high and that the ball of energy keeps growing

when you're ready, hug your character goodbye. take as long as you need to tell them goodbye. once you've finished your farewells, lay down in your dr bed, keeping all your focus on the ball of positive energy within you. if it helps you visualize it, you can have a physical ball of energy with you. close your eyes (your dr eyes, not your cr eyes) and go to sleep while repeating affirmations in your head.

when you wake up, you'll wake up in your desired reality!!

i hope this helps :]

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