Chapter 1: The Vanishing of Will Byers-Part 1

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---Remember this would be your point of view if you were in Stranger Things this will follow the Storyline of The TV show, and some things will be changed--

*6 am at Y/n's house*


???- *static* Y/n!!! Y/n!!!

-you hear static sounds coming from under your bed-

??- *more clear* Y/n y/m/n Y/L/N!! Answer this or I will call your mother and tell her you went to that party last Friday and got totally waisted!

-You quickly roll out of bed trying to find where you laid the walkie. You find the walkie under your bed.

Y/n- *In a strict tone* Dustin Henderson you wouldn't dare! 

Dustin- *in a mocking tone* I mean you could try me, I did tell your mom about that one time when you were in 8th grade and you snuck out to see that one kid that was way older than you and smoked weed together.

Y/n- *you roll your eyes at the memory of getting high the first time* It was my first time ever and I was curious. You got me grounded for a whole month. But if you tell on me I cant drive you to the arcade or buy you dinner anymore. And you wouldn't even be able to come over and watch all my slashers. So I'd watch what you say.

Dustin- Ok  ok ok FINE! Anyways mom said your going to have to watch me tonight but i have a campaign at Mike's, so I was wondering if after your practice you could come over and hangout with us.

Y/n- *you smirk* Did Lucas put you up to this? 

Dustin- He's kind of obsessed with you, and besides i wanted you to buy us some snacks. 

y/n- Fine ill come but won't you need a ride? 

Dustin- Mike wanted us to go to the park and...uh..nvm. But I'm taking my bike so I just need you there to verify with my mother that i was actually at Mikes. She's kind of protective of me, IM  12 FOR JESUS SAKES! 

Y/n- Nvm I get it you'll take your bike, I'll bring snacks. Do you want a ride to school?

Dustin-Thank you, now come get me and take me to school!

Y/n- So demanding! and hey I don't smoke weed anymore! 

Dustin- Mhm now come get me I'm waiting!

*You turn off your walkie and get ready* 


-You go downstairs and see your mom on the couch, she is surrounded by several beer bottles and small cake wrappers

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-You go downstairs and see your mom on the couch, she is surrounded by several beer bottles and small cake wrappers. on the Tv her favorite show One Day at a Time is on, you shut if off, clean up the mess around her, cover her up, and go into the kitchen.

You make Waffles and sausage for when she wakes up. you squeeze some oranges for fresh juice and set an alarm for 8:00 am. You leave the food on the table, with a note.

*Note*- Had a hard night? won't be home after school have a good day at work, DRINK WATER!!

-You get into your car and turn the radio up, Here I go Again by Whitesnake is on, Its not your favorite but you go along with it. You pick up Henderson. 

Dustin- What took you so long *he throws his bag in the back and almost smacks you in the face with it*

Y/n- I had some things i needed to take care of at home.

Dustin- Is it that time of the month?

Y/n- WHAT?? EW? NO? wha- why would you even ask that?!?!

Dustin- It was just a common question!

Y/n- Girls problems don't only relate to periods?!?!

Dustin- *puts his hands up in defense* You said it not me!

Y/n- You know what kid? if I wasn't in charge of you i would actually murder you, burry your body at Lovers Lake. No one would ever no you were missing!

Dustin-Have you met my mother?

*you both laugh as you drop him off*

Y/n-now I will pick you up but I have Cheer after school so I can't dilly dally around for long.

Dustin- *walking away ignoring you* Yeah what ever! see you!

-You roll your eyes and see your friend Jonathan Byers walking past. You park your car and catch up to him.

Jonathan- oh hey! I got some great shots of you cheering yesterday, if you come by at lunch I can show you some!

Y/n- I would love that! So how your mom doing? 

Jonathan- Well she's a lot more flustered than usual, her jobs really stressing her out. I help out as much as I can, but with school..

Y/n- Its understandable, well if you ever need any help I'm always here... I mean I'm hardly I big deal at cheer so I'm sure I can come over and yk..

-Before you can continue someone runs up to Jonathan and shoves him. You see Tommy Hagan, his girlfriend Carol Perkins, and Steve Harrington. Steve was king of Hawkins High who was recently seen with Nancy Wheeler. You assume they were a couple bc normal people don't bite each others earlobes in public. 

Y/n- What do you want Steve? 

Steve-Oh doll nothing with you just him the little Freak * looks a Jonathan who has turned around and balled up his fist* 

Y/n- *You grab Jonathan's arm and walk away* Don't stress it Jonathan, we're freaks together remember? 

Jonathan- *chuckles* yeah together


-This is end of Part 1- I hope you like it! I promise it will get more entertaining I'm just building up!

Thank you my little Cookies<3

Hawkins Will Fall: Season 1 Y/n x Nancy wheelerWhere stories live. Discover now