Chapter 3 Holly Jolly Part 3

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We get to Steve's house and no one is home, we go around back to where Barb was seen in the photos. I tell Dustin to look Near the tree line and see if he can find anything while I look near the pool house

Dustin- You know this is trespassing and child endangerment right?

Y/n- Dustin...Shut the fuck up

Dustin- I'm just saying you're the one going to jail not me...

Y/n- No bc ill run and leave your toothless smartass here. Because I'm that person.

Dustin- Yeah you are that person... What are you hoping to find anyways?

y/n- I don't know some sign that...wait what's this? 

*you go over to the diving board and see blood droplets on the board. you see dried drops of blood you follow them to the pool house. 

Y/n- Shit it's locked!

Dustin- How are we supposed to open it?

Y/n- Wait here if someone comes... run.

Dustin- You don't have to tell me that twice I was gonna leave your fruity ass here anyways. 

Y/n- *your heart drops* what?

Dustin- Jeez I'm joking don't cream your pants (hehe like mommy like son) 

Y/n- I know that *you lie*

---You go into Steve's house and try to look for something you might be able to break the lock with. You know Steve's dad is out of town because of the party they had.  you look around in the kitchen and when you don't find anything you go upstairs. You open Steve's door, even though you shouldn't go in. This was worse than Jonathan's pictures of Nancy. Just then you hear the front door open, Steve is whistling downstairs. You panicked and hid in the closet.

*distant voice*

Steve- Hey Tommy....No...She's with Byer's looking...I know...

her gets closer

Steve- I just don't understand it. I'm a good boyfriend to her.

--he opens the door and comes in, you cover your mouth to keep him from hearing your breathing. 

Steve- I don't know I don't think we should go out I'm just not feeling it. 

*there's a pause* 

Steve- Fine ill come let me get dressed though.

--he gets off the phone. and takes his shirt off. Your blush, Steve might be a dick but you had to admit his body was nice. No wonder Nancy wanted him so bad, you realize how handsome he is. He starts to take off his pants but you cover your eyes so you are at least not violating any more of his privacy.--

Steve- Shit...

---He walks closer to the closet, just when he's about to open it you hear the phone ring.

He answers it and walks out. you hear another door open and shut, you quickly run out and outside. 

You see Dustin down the road in your car, and you jump in and start driving.

Dustin- you're A PSYCHO!

Y/n- I know


Y/n- I KNOW!

--just then your radio goes off--

Joyce- Will...Honey. you...Will...

Dustin- What is she? Is she going crazy?

Y/n- I don't know I think we need to go over there though something tells me, something more is going on than a couple of missing kids though. 

Dustin- I'm getting that same feeling...

----The two of you head over to the Byer's and go and knock on the door. the Sleepless Joyce Byers answers the door.--

Joyce- Oh *she keeps looking behind the door* kids...doing... um... here?

Dustin- We wanted to talk can we come in *before she answers he walks in*

Y/n- *you shrug and follow in after him*

Joyce- guys I need to

Dustin- What the fuck?

Joyce- He's communicating 

-In front of you is the destroyed Byer's house, you see all light stripped out of the room except Christmas lights hanging on the wall with black letters under them. 

Y/n- With Christmas lights?

Joyce- Watch this *she goes and sits on the floor in front of the lights, she puts the walk man to her lips* Will Honey are you there?

--there's an awkward silence as nothing happens---

Joyce- Honey are you okay? 

--just then as she gives up hope, the lights start blinking you hurriedly grab a pencil and paper.


Dustin & Joyce- R


Both- U


Both- N

you all look at each other in confusion just as all the light start flickering, and Dustin grabs a hold of your arm. Then the wall near the door starts to warp.

You scream-  a figure starts to form on the wall, the same one as in Barb's photo. You scream as Joyce goes up to it then it vanishes. 

Everyone calms down

Joyce- Kids get out of here now, I need to call hopper. You and Dustin go outside as you see Mike, Eleven, and Lucas go by on the bikes towards the Quarry. You and Dustin get in the car and follow them. 

Dustin- where the hell are they going? 

Y/n- I don't know eleven's not supposed to be out?

---You get to the Quarry and see flashing lights, police, ambulances, and the news. you get out and go up to Mike--

Y/n- What's going on? 

Mike- I don't ...

Just then you see them pull a body out of the water, it's not very big at all you walk closer carefully to get a closer look then you realize who it is. Will Byers. 

You fall to the ground, and break down. Mike comes closer to see what's happening and when he realizes he too joins you. Dustin and Lucas come towards you and bring each of you into a tight hug. You all cry. Them for missing their best friend and you for being the reason he was dead. You're the reason Will Byers the sweet little boy who always loved you was dead. 

You look through your blurry eyes and see Mike get up and yell at Eleven. 


---Eleven runs off you get into your car and follow her but she cuts through the woods. You try to follow her but before you can she is nowhere to be seen. You began to realize... Maybe you were wrong maybe they were just runaway kids... but Joyce didn't believe that... Joyce thinks her dear son is still alive. 

A little part of you wanted that too... a feeling told you... William Byers was still alive...but where? 


End of chapter 3 I hope you like it I love writing this chapter so much happened and tying my character into it was so much fun! Tell me what you think should happen in y/n's story!

Love you Cookies<3

Hawkins Will Fall: Season 1 Y/n x Nancy wheelerWhere stories live. Discover now