Part 3 Ashes will Fall ~Season Finale~

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Hawkins Indiana wasn't as boring as it had been for all 16 years of my life. The town wasn't normal. People went missing, demons rose from the ground, and little girls with magical powers roamed everywhere. It's been a month since the last time I had an episode. I couldn't hear the boys voice anymore, but bits and pieces would come back to me. Darkness haunted my sleep. A fire burned my brain... my soul. Something dark was awakening and I didn't want to stick around to see what it was, but I can't run away from myself, from my past.

--Jonathan and you picked Will up from the Wheeler's house. Will grabbed a present from Jonathan's hand.


Jonathan- Sure kid!

-it was a new camera, Nancy had gotten you a gift to but you were going to wait to open in until later, but you were eager to open the one Steve had gotten you. You opend it inside was a guitar pick. with a note~


I remembered, Better here some of it or ill snap you like a twig! Love Steve H.

After dinner with the Byer's you went home you see the for sale sign in your front yard and walked into the house. It was mostly empty except for the few things you needed to live with. You went up to your room and opend Nancy's present. Inside was a few things one being a book with yours's and Nancy's name on it labeled "Secrets Unfolded"

This book was your project that had won first place, you wrote it about Barb missing and Will being reported dead but now perfectly alive. You were ordered not to say anymore by the government, but this easily got you a well deserved A. 

Along with the book was a bracelet, like the one you threw away. Instead engraved was the words "think of me in dark times" with a music note beside it. Instead of a small note there was a letter Nancy had written to Y/n.

Dear y/n,

       I know we decided to let the feeling we had go, go on with our lives like it never happened. But at last i cannot, I'm already told i cannot tell anyone about Barb, i cannot let go what i had with you. It is true I'm having a rough time getting back to normal, feeling those feeling i once had with others... Steve is here for me but he isn't much help. Jonathan is a comforting friend to have, it's like old times without the scary monster chasing us all the time. I just want you to know. My heart is yours even if I cannot be. I love you with all my wits

                                                                                                                                           Yours truly,

                                                                                                                                                                        N. Wheeler

You put the bracelet on, and turned on your favorite Elvis~ Christmas edition record and laid down on your bed. you opend your Jekyll and Hyde book a began reading...

??-Merry Christmas Y/n, you didn't think I was gone did you?


End of Season 1 Love ya Cookie's <3

Hawkins Will Fall: Season 1 Y/n x Nancy wheelerWhere stories live. Discover now