Chapter 5 The flea and the Acrobat Part 1 Castle Byers

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---Your drive the Byer's residents. You see the hole in the wall, you remember Joyce's Demogorgon ax hunt. But you weren't here for Joyce even though she wasn't here at all. ---

---You were on your way to Castle Byer's you didn't know what you would find if anything but if there was something, anything at all. You wanted to find it.---

---You find the small stick hunt you helped Jonathan and Will make right after their parent's divorce.  Will loved this place, and you did too. You go into the little hut, there were board games and blankets. You lay down on one of them and look up, you see a Will the Wise figurine. The same one you bought Will for his 9th birthday. ---

You began to cry

Y/n- Will come back to us... Please...

*static on the radio*- H...e....l...p...

Y/n- *You sit up forwards* WILL IS THAT YOU!

Radio- Run!

-Just then you hear footsteps and a low growl. Your scared you see Wills old wooden bat you pick it up. It probably won't help you but if it did anything at all it would buy you time-

Y/n- Whose there?

Just then something grabs your foot, and starts dragging you out of castle byers. Its long claws digging into your skin. This beast was at least 7 foot tall. He dragged you into the woods. YOu scream and try to get out of his clasps. 


Just then the creature stops still holding onto you. Your setting ahs changed your in the woods, you see a tree, but this Tree was different. It had a human size hole covering it was a gooey spiderweb.

He Picked me up once more and pulled me through the hole. Then black...


When I opend my eyes again the Demogorgon was gone. I wasn't in Hawkins anymore though. No this was different. It was dark, cold, eerie. It was Hawkins but it was different. It was a ghost town, reincarnation of the small town I once knew.

I could hear a little boys voice...It was Will's. I followed the sound. He was singing I began to cry...I was so close just then something pulled me out of the strange world. 

y/n-NANCY!! *You hugged her*


Y/n- That took be in there! You seen it right? the world...It Was like Hawkins...

Nancy- YOur hurt.

Y/n- You notice your leg bleeding where the monster clawed you and dragged you away, your back burned with scratches already getting infected. 

Nancy- Come on we need to get you back to Jonathan's...

---Jonathan picked you up because you found yourself being in too much bain to move, the pain wasn't there before. It wasn't like the in the other world.

Jonathan- What was it like? 

Nancy- cold...

Y/n- It looked just like Hawkins But it was so different...

Nancy- How long were you in there?

Y/n- I don't know, it felt like 5 minutes...

Jonathan-We found you after we saw a dead deer, its feeding off animals...Why didn't it kill you? I mean if it was hunting for an animal...why didn't it kill you on spot... I mean its clear human meat is its best course...

*Nancy and you both chuckle*

y/n- I don't know... whatever it was doing I didn't see, I was out cold for awhile, after I went through the gate I fell unconscious. the monster was gone...

Jonathan- Wait if your injured maybe it tasted your blood?

Nancy- If it tasted her blood... I don't think it would have stopped...

Y/n- What if that's why it did stop? 

Nancy- What do you mean?

y/n- Well sometimes if an animal taste a certain type of blood it will stop if its bad for them. Like sometimes an animal can realize a sort of poison and kill its predator. 

Nancy- So maybe it realized in some term your were dangerous?

Y/n- It could have... but I'm not dangerous... i mean i cant even punch Jonathan in his dumb face... I don't think I could kill a monster...

Nancy- What if you aren't meant to kill it... Maybe your supposed to distract it or.. or

Y/n- ...Hinder it? 

Nancy- I think we need to learn more before we put you in that kind of danger

Jonathan- I don't think we should do it at all. If y/n is the only way to stop it maybe it will try to stop her before she can get a chance too.

Y/n- I don't think I'm the only person who can kill it...

Nancy- What do you mean?

Jonathan- Okay if we knew about the monster this whole time why didn't you point out the person to destroy it?

Y/n- Because i swore an oath to the boys...

Jonathan- An oath? To a bunch of 12 year old's?

y/n- They are more grown up than you think...You two stay here i need to go talk to your brother Nancy...

Nancy- My brother  wha... what has he done? You cant leave y/n your in danger! *you walk out the door but she follows you tot he front porch* 

Y/n- I cant stop now you two be ready in case that thing comes back please!

Nancy- What if that thing comes back?

Y/n- I have this *you hold up a baseball bat* 

Nancy- Your not going to fight a demon with a bat y/n... If you die? What are we supposed to do then? 

Y/n- I won't die nance, if I am going to die at least ill go out like a badass...*you laugh*

Nancy- No a dumbass...That thing will come back, and when it does it coming for you...We can't loose you...What about your mom? Or.. .or Dustin? Or... me?

Y/n- *your stomach drops* You?....




Hawkins Will Fall: Season 1 Y/n x Nancy wheelerWhere stories live. Discover now