Chapter 1:The Vanishing of Will Byers- Part 3

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-After practice, you stop by the store Joyce Byers works at to pick up some snacks for the boys.

Joyce- Hey y/n *hugs you* 

Y/n- Heyyy Ms. Byers

Joyce- Oh please dear your practically family call me Joyce now what are you doing here so late?

Y/n- Picking snacks up for your son and his friends *you chuckle* Any idea what four 12-year-olds eat anyways?

Joyce- Ouu well try BBQ Chips and Push pops! Always a huge hit! And don't forget some Dr. Pepper they love it! here's $10 go crazy

Y/n- *chuckles* Oh no it's okay, hey say hi so Jonathan for me byeee!

-you leave before Ms. Byers can hand you the cash. 

-before long you're in the basement of the Wheeler's house. The boys hoop and holler at their game of Dungeons and Dragons. Mike being the gamemaster pressures the boys into decisions. You've been watching the boy play it for years you could practically be a pro, but they never let you play. They think you're too old for it and you're a girl. 

Y/n- Okay I have to piss Mike I'm using your bathroom.

Mike- *looks up* Uh...yeah okay whatever. 

-Lucas waves at you nervously as you walk by, teasingly you wave back and his face gets pinkish. You chuckle and walk off. Ever since you started babysitting Henderson Lucas Sinclair had been obsessed with you. the boys have always teased him about it. you thought it was sweet that he was obsessed- 

-You find your way to the bathroom, you look into the mirror you see your eyes have bags under them.  You hadn't noticed how pale your face has been. You've lost a lot of sleep recently, your mother has been in and out of work coming home from the bar every night drunk. She makes good money but she doesn't spend it wisely. She brings random guys in and out of the house. Sometimes they are nice, some are married and fathers of people I know, some are creeps. Its put stress on you but you've learned how to deal with it.

-you open the door to find Nancy-

Y/n- OH! Nancy, you scared me!

Nancy- Oh hey! what are you doing here?

Y/n- I'm.. uh... here with Dustin.

Nancy- really? You play Dungeon and Dragons?

Y/n- *your face gets red and you chuckle* Um... No actually i just buy snacks and drive them home. I just sit there and read. I was actually readying some real world magazines for some events we can work on. 

Nancy- Oh about that! i won't be able to work tomorrow night I have something I have to do...Is that okay?

Y/n- I...Uh *you scratch your head* Yeah that's totally fine! We will have to arrange for another time!

Nancy- Yeah totally! Sorry for bailing *she hesitantly hugs you*

-You freeze for a moment not sure what's going on then hug her back. You get goosebumps, you never realized Nancy smelled of berries and pine. You back off as does Nancy-

 -You awkwardly walk away, what was wrong with you-

-you go back down to the basement-

Will-What is it?

Dustin- What if its the Demogorgon Oh Jesus we are so screwed if its the Demogorgon

Lucas- Its not the Demogorgon!

Mike- *slams the table* an Army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!

Dusting- Troglodytes? 

Lucas- Told ya!!

Hawkins Will Fall: Season 1 Y/n x Nancy wheelerWhere stories live. Discover now