Unrequited love [A][F?]

471 15 48

Requested by: Akanechiiii (bro I'm sorry this is the first thing I thought of 😭)

Tw: Unrequited love (like the title says lmao)


Darryl's voice echoed slightly through the brisk night air, catching the attention of the raven-haired boy.

Zak looked at Darryl, grinning.

"You know you can call me Zak, right?"

Darryl chuckled. They had just come home from the airport, and Darryl knew he had to tell Zak when they got home.
He promised himself.

"Yeah...it just feels so weird. I've been calling you Skeppy for years now. And now.. I'm calling you by your real name." Darryl sighed, rubbing the back of his neck out of awkwardness.

"Yeah, I had to stop myself multiple times from calling you 'Bad' in public today." Zak chuckled.
"I'm just so used to it."

Darryl watched Zak look to the sky, looking at the sparkling stars.

"Stars are so pretty." Zak sighed, holding onto the old, wooden porch stairs.

Just like you...

Darryl found himself beet red at the thought.

He could never say that- it'd be too blatant.

But he had to say something, something that wouldn't make it too awkward.

" Hey Skep-i mean- Zak?" He started

Zak took his wondrous eyes off the sky's fireflies, and looked to Darryl.


"Y-you wanna go out sometime? Y-you know....to the movies or something?" The brunette stuttered.

A smile bloomed on Zak's face.

"Of course! What was the point of me flying out here just for us not to hang out?"

Darryl felt his own mouth quiver into a nervous smile.

"T-that's great! Uh- what movie do wanna watch?" Darryl was getting excited.
Did Zak feel the same way? Was this a sign??

"Well, I don't know, I can check right now, if you want." His smile remained, sliding his phone out of his pocket.

"Oh, no, we can do that later." Darryl said.

This wasn't going to work.
He'd have to straight up ask..

He took a deep breath, before opening his mouth.


But no sound came out.

Come on Darryl, you can do this..
It's only a question...

The older cleared his throat, causing Zak to tear his eyes away from the dazzling sky once more.

"H-hey Zak..?"

"What?" Darryl watched Zak's eyes, looking at the stunning reflection of the stars within them.


Zak tilted his head, giving his full attention.

"I..!" Darryl pushed out. This was almost excruciating.

Come on, just three more words!

"I-i love you, Zak." Darryl breathed.

He said it so softly, He almost thought Zak hadn't heard it. But he knew, in the back of his mind, that he definitely did.

Zak grabbed Darryl's shoulder, and offered a kind smile.

"I love you too, Darryl."

Darryl felt his heart skip a beat.

He felt lightheaded and a tingly, warm sensation in the bottom of stomach spread throughout his body.

"You're the most amazing, best friend I've ever had." Zak confessed.

Darryl felt his heart sink.


He felt his smile begin to droop, and his head began to hurt.
All the warmth that had previously spread throughout his body retreated, leaving an empty feeling in the bottom of his stomach.

But before Zak could notice, Darryl plastered another smile on his face.
He couldn't know.

"Come here." Zak gently said, pulling Darryl into a hug.

Darryl's nose was wedged into Zak's hoodie, and he took a deep breath.

He'd never be anything more than a friend to skeppy, He knew that now.

He tried to hold back the tears, but a few managed to slip out.
Zak pulled away from the hug, only to find tears streaming down Darryl's face.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"Oh n-nothing...I'm just... r-really glad you're my b-best friend." Darryl sniffed, rubbing away the tears.

Zak's kind smile returned, and he began rubbing Darryl's back softly.

"I'll always be with you, ok Darryl? You can talk to me about anything."

Darryl noticed a soft sparkle in Zak's eyes, that gave off a comforting glow.

Darryl's mouth formed a quivering smile, tears starting to pour out of his eyes.

It was a lukewarm feeling, the warmth and comfort of someone close, but the internal dred telling you they'll never feel the same.

Zak, was personally, just a bit confused.

His hand reached out, but he hesitated.
What was he going to do? Rub his shoulder??

So, out of total confusion and warmth, he pulled in Darryl for another hug.

"It's ok, Bad, I'll always be here for you. If you wanna talk about something, we can do that. It wouldn't be a problem or anything at all." Zak softly breathed into the ear of his best friend.

"It's... I'm fine..." Darryl breathed. The whole thing made him embarrassed.
"Just..can we stay like this? I...really need a hug."

"Obviously." Zak replied.

Even though he couldn't see his face, Darryl heard Zak's smile.

The two enjoyed every second of their embrace, but the overwhelming feeling of dread wafted in air, reminding Darryl of what was happening, and what was never to happen.

"So, uh, why don't we go inside and make some hot cocoa or something?" Zak preposed, slightly pulling away, but only to where he could see Darryl's face.

"Uh... yeah." Darryl said, pulling himself away from the embrace and getting up, brushing himself off.

Zak got up aswell, behind the older.

Darryl pushed in the door, and then held it for Zak.

The warm, soft air comforted Darryl, but not enough to fill the empty feeling he felt in his stomach.

940 words

I'm sorry, I know that was absolute çrìñgé.

Also I'm kinda tired so I haven't really checked it fully, so I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense at parts.

Uhhh i think this was the 2nd one I started? Anyways it's done o_O.
Idk, I don't think this one was that good, it was just ok-ish.

Anyways, ily, have a great day, and I'll see you laterrrr

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