"where's your girlfriend?" [AF?]

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Skeppy's parents want to meet his gf, so he drags bbh to his house so they can finally accept he's a gay ass mf

Tw: homophobia


He sat there, rearranging his food with his fork, ignoring his two parents that sat in front of him.

"Zak, your mother and I don't appreciate you ignoring us." His father sternly huffed.

Zak sighed. 20 years of this bullshit.

"What?" Zak groaned.

"We think it's about time you got a girlfriend, Zak." His mother sincerely remarked.

"And why is that?" Zak blandly replied, examining the broccoli on his fork.

His mother took a deep breath.
"Well, Zak, you're getting to that age where..you want to start thinking about your..future."

Zak sighed.
"I'm already going to college, isn't that already 'thinking about my future' ?"

"Well, son," his father bumped in, "we were talking about a.. family."

A family at 20? Jesus.

Zak glared at them, silent.

The room was completely silent, besides the clock that hung on the wall, ticking constantly, reading 9:45.

His father cleared his throat.
"Zak, you should seriously start preparing to provide for your family."

Zak rolled his eyes. This was practically the 14th time they had this talk.

"Zak, I'm serious. You better get over this 'gay' phase of yours. It's time to man up and find a wife."

"It's not a phase..." Zak mumbled.

"Well whatever it is, it's not natural. Only women and men are supposed to be together. That's how god made it."


"You know what?" Zak asked, slamming his hand on the table and standing from his seat.
"I'm done."

He grabbed his barely touched plate, scraped the food into the garbage, and placed his plate into the sink.

"Zak-" his mother tried,reaching toward the young man, who was heading to the door.

"ZAK!" His father yelled, causing him to stop in his tracks.

"What?" Zak glared, turning his head to them.

"Zak, we expect to meet your girlfriend on Friday." His father stated bitterly.

"Or what?" Zak uttered.

"We'll stop paying for your collage."
Zak dad spoke coldly, serious as death itself.

Zak scanned over his parents once more, before flinging the door open and  stepping into the brisk, cold night.


Zak fumbled with the keys to his apartment, shoving it into the lock and swinging open the door.

"Skeppy?" A voice asked from inside.

"Yeah?" He asked, locking the door behind him.

"I missed you!" The voice called out.

Zak kicked off his shoes, and entered the Living room.

Bad sat on the couch, a mildly thick book in his lap.

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