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First smut chapter :D

No real names >:((



Bad and Skeppy were walking home, a bag of snacks in Bad's hand. The two had walked to the store nearby, ready to head home and watch some Netflix.

"Hey Bad, what do you wanna do when we get home?" Skeppy asked, strolling at his side.

"I thought we could just watch Netflix and chill." Bad replied, shrugging.

A shit-eating grin slid onto Skeppy's  face.
"Netflix and chill? Like, have sex?"

Bad gasped.

"Well what? You wanna?" Skeppy asked, looking to Bad suggestively.

Bad waved the idea away, rolling his eyes at Skeppy.

The two finally arrived home, Skeppy unlocking the door, opening it for Bad.

"Ladies first."

"Shut up."

Bad came in and put all the snacks on the counter, grabbing a bowl to pour the popcorn and pretzels in.

As he sorted other bowls of candies, Skeppy came up from behind, hugging his back.

"How's it going?"

"Pretty good, I'm almost done. Go and pick something for us to watch." Bad replied.

Skeppy let go, pecking Bad on the cheek before heading to the living room.

When he was done, Bad brought the bowls to the living room, putting it on the small coffee table.

"Sweet!" Skep said, grabbing some M&MS and shoving them in his mouth.

"AY! We haven't even picked a movie yet you Muffinhead!" Bad exclaimed.

Skeppy giggled.

"Okay fine.." he picked up the remote.
"How bout this one?"

Bad squinted.
"Everything everywhere all at once? What's that?"

"I guess we'll find out." Skep replied, pressing play as he took another handful of M&Ms.

The two settled on the couch, sitting in each other's arms. It was comfortable, and more importantly, warm.

As the movie continued, Skeppy's mind wandered. Thoughts from earlier had poisoned his mental state, as he felt himself getting horny at thought of the two actually fucking.
His hand hesitantly began to wander Bad's thigh, coming closer and closer to his crotch...


you really thought-

imagine falling for my social experiment


and now, i shall see

how horny you people really are

to skip the other chapters for this one 





silly silly horny peole

silly silly

i dont have any good smut for you here

and i doubt ill ever have any


if you horny

bye bye

byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee BYE.

i mean

maybe someday

but it kinda makes me uncomfy so idk

kk bbye thanks for the data m a scientist now ohohohoohohho

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