Unrequited love pt2 [F]

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Written for Nightshade_Foeseeker
Heh (pls no steal my kneecaps😰)

Written for Nightshade_FoeseekerHeh (pls no steal my kneecaps😰)

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Zak likes DARRYL BAVK???? :00000

Crazy shit we got goin to


The two sat in the cozy house, Darryl watching the fire snap and dance, feeling the warmth on his skin, as Zak watched him.

It had been quiet after the two had entered the house, only the peaceful sound of the fire heard besides their soft breathing.

Darryl still felt empty; cold, even when the fire was only so far away.

He had worked up all the courage to tell Zak, only to be friendzoned.

It broke his heart, and it return he felt almost nothing.

He felt like crying again, but found no more tears to shed.

Zak felt bad about the earlier exchange, sensing Darryl's clouded mood.

He had played it safe, assuming Darryl had said it in a platonic sense, as he's a pretty affectionate person.

Truth was, Zak felt very much what Darryl did.

But how would he even break to him after this? He knew how he felt now, based on his reaction, but what was he gonna do now? 'oh yeah btw Darryl I love you in that not so platonic way too'?

He face plamed. There was no way that would work.

He cleared his throat.

"So uh, how about that hot cocoa?"

Darryl took his eyes off the fire.

"Oh...yeah. I have those instant packets in the upper left cabinet." He replied plainly.

"Okay. Do you have any Marshmellows?" Zak asked.

"Um... I should have some in the same cabinet as the cocoa."

"Alright." Zak got up to the kitchen, microwaving the water and milk.

He poured them into two separate cups before adding the cocoa packets.

He mixed both, added some marshmallows, and took the cups back to the living room.

"Here." He handed one to Darryl.

His eyes were shiny, sadly glimmering upon eye contact, taking hold of the cup.

"Thank you."

He put his best smile forward, before looking back to the fire.

Zak was stuck on what to do next.

"So...how about that movie?" He asked, smiling to Darryl.

"Oh.." He seems to be snapped out of his trance, breaking eye contact from the fire. "Right."

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