Halloween [f?]

252 10 15

Slightly spooky lmao
Uhh I'd say they're in middle school? 7th grade ish lmao

"I'm so glad your parents finally let us trick or treat this year!" Zak exclaimed, swinging his pumpkin bucket recklessly side to side.

"Yeah!" Darryl smiled, carrying his own bag, which held nothing, yet.

The two wandered around the neighborhood, finally unsupervised.

"Where do you wanna go?" Darryl asked, trotting along with Zak.

"How about that house?" He responded, pointing to the only house that seemed to be unlit with blaring purple and orange light. It seemed to suck all light into it's dark interior, making it one of it's kind.

"Yeah, no." Darryl said, turning to another direction at the slight thought of walking up to it.

"What? Are you scared?" Zak asked, playfully sneering.

"No.." Darryl rubbed the back of neck, looking to the side.

"Well come on then! It'll be fun!" Zak grinned, pushing Darryl's shoulder.

The two went on, a dark twist on Darryl's stomach going unacknowledged.

They pursed up the lengthy driveway, which seemed to stretch farther than it really was at a 90° angle.

"Zak, I don't like this-"

"Oh come on. Nothing's gonna happen."

Zak confidently walked into the creaky planks of the porch as Darryl anxiously followed, knocking at the front door.

The sound echoed through the brisk night, the two waiting for some sort of reply or reaction.

But none came.

"Well I guess we better go then-" Darryl said, turning to leave.

"Not a chance." Zak said grabbing him by the hood.

His hand went to knock again, but instead, the door cracked open.

"What the-"

The house groaned a response, it's old interior creaking with interest.

The two stood in silence, watching the shadows, only for something to shift.

Darryl felt something twinge down his spine, his stomach tying itself into a knot.

The shadows moved through the darkness, roaming around the floor.

They were frozen, focusing only on whatever it was that was in front of  them.

Darryl only heard the Shakey exhale that left Zak's mouth. He himself forgot to breathe.

Then, with a flash, there were eyes, watching them.

The shadowy pair of eyes edged to the door, watching the pair as it came closer every second.

It then jumped forward.

"AHHH!" they screamed in sync, clinging onto one another.
Darryl shut his eyes, hugging Zak tighter.

When nothing came, he peaked his eye.

Emerged was a fluffy black cat.

"Aww it's so cute!" Darryl exclaimed, kneling down to pet the cat, which purred in his hands.

Zak still clutched the rickety side rails of the porch, unwanted adrenaline still running it's course.

"What's wrong? Scared?" Darryl mocked, grinning.

"Shut up." Zak huffed, marching down the old porch staircase,and down the hill.

Darryl stroked the cat a few more before Zak yelled from down the hill.

"Come on! Let's go somewhere else for some candy!"

"Okay!" He shouted back, before petting the cat goodbye.

He ran to join Zak, unaware of the many eyes that followed him from the depths of the house.

TLDR: Bois want candy go to spoopy house scary 😰 AHHHHH!! Oh KITTYYY!!!! okay shit up 😡 I leave 
Nuu I folow :3

595 words

I'm sorry It's currently 3:48pm and I absolutely sped run this yesterday/ part of today i really didn't want to release it after Halloween, and it's actually probably that for you so nvm I failed 😭 jk no this is still win MF😏 also I wore a wig to school and everyone wanted to try it on 😩

Have a happy Halloween:3 (even if you don't celebrate it have a good day anyways)

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