sex demon succubus extra sex sauce [SP][S]

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tagged as shit post because I don't want this to be taken too seriously it was late and I had a random goofy ass idea in my head. Also everyone is characters, no real people here, just their Internet personality's names put in a horny, hypothetical situation that will never happen.
Also btw I am a virgin (I mean hopefully you ppl are too, most of y'all are too young to s3x) and have a bit of a disdain for most p0rn- Wattpad occasionally being an exception. But like most people my age, I am horny. So please don't judge me too hard with this I barely watch or read anything like this and I am very insecure about it.
Anyways go read ur gex

Happy Halloween btw 🎃

Cw: trans ppl 😰😰😰😰, demon, 😰😰SEX 😩😩😫😫‼️‼️

It was late.

Too late.

Skeppy stared at the ceiling in dismay, checking the clock on his dresser for the fourth time within the past two minutes.

He groaned.

1:41 am.

He was supposed to sleep at 10.

Skeppy slid his phone out from underneath his pillow. If he was gonna stay up, he might as well do it while being entertained.

He aimlessly scrolled for a bit, before a certain type of art came up unexpectedly.

He scrolled past quickly, immediately blushing at the sudden exposure to the content. He felt shame rise in his chest at the impulse to go back, his curiosity trying to piece together the original photo within his head.

He reluctantly scrolled back.

There was something about the picture that just got him going.

He never was one for explicit content, but this one seemed to click in his brain like none of the others ever had. Sure, he knew once he had gotten in T his sex drive would go up... But he never really imagined it actually happening. He immediately flushed when he felt his blood rush from his face to his lower bits...

He was horny.

He felt awkward, unsure of what to do, while another part of him felt the strong urge to touch himself.

He eventually caved in, sliding his hand under his boxers, beginning to rub his T-dick slowly.

He let out a relived sighed at the sensation, imagining the scenario that had popped onto his screen.

He let out a groan, closing his eyes to focus in on the sensation as he began to rock his hips.

His eyes fluttered open, before the darkest corner of the room caught his eye.

He froze at the sight before slowly taking his hand away from his privates and sitting up, staring at the corner, which seemed to have two glowing eyes staring right back at him.

"Hello," a voice echoed, making Skeppy freeze with fear. It was deep and gruff, demonic, even.

"Who- who are you?" Skep stuttered, pushing himself against the wall,"W-why are you here?"

"There is no reason to be afraid." The voice explained, the voice having a softer tone to it this time around. It's blank eyes blinked.
"Seems like you have a problem..." The demon stated, pointing the the man's crotch.

Skeppy felt hysterical.
A mysterious, shadowy, 9-foot something in the corner of the room had just started talking to him, and was now talking about his dick.

His brain was loading, trying to process what was happening.

"To answer your question," the shadow spoke, "I'm here because I can sense when people are horny."
He kept his white eyes trained on skeppy's, a white half circle appearing on his face; a smile.
He floated there, waiting for my next move.
His tail softly swayed, occasionally briskly swiping at the carpeted  floor in the darkest corner of the room.
I could briefly make out his horns, which held out within the brighter accents in the room. They were long and stiff, being half a meter or so, almost brushing the ceiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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