A kiss. [A]

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The Autumn breeze was soft, a crisp cold that danced in Darryl's curls.

It was dark out, around 6:36 in the morning.

He made his way to the bus stop, trekking up the slight hill in utter darkness, always looking over his shoulder.

Today, however, he had forgotten to do so.

As he made his final steps, he stopped, his eyes tracing over his phone before-


Darryl jumped, stumbling forward at the tap on his shoulder and the sudden words that had left his best friend's mouth.
He clutched his heart, catching his breath.

"Zak! You muffin! I nearly had a heart attack!"

Zak laughed as Darryl crossed his arms stubbornly.

"Relax, it was a joke." Zak chuckled, patting Darryl's shoulder.

Darryl let out a playful 'hmph.', looking out into the road to see if the bus was anywhere close to them.

"So.." Zak started hesitantly.

Darryl looked back to him.

"Is the thing we discussed still on? Full consent?"

"Yeah." Darryl said. He hadn't forgotten. If anything, It kept him up at night. The exciting thought of something new.

Zak smiled.
"Okay, after school, right?"

Darryl nodded.

He knew Zak was excited as well.

Maybe this would lead to more.

For the both of them.

And a few hours away, it would happen.

Darryl took one last look at the bus stop before sliding his tag and taking a seat besides his best friend.


The two exited the bus, yawned from the exhausting school day.

"God, 6th period was hella boring." Zak said.

"Yeah, that was the most unproductive class periods I've ever had." Darryl chimed in.

Zak cleared his throat.
"So are we still..."

"On? Yes." Darryl finished, feeling excitment spur in his heart.

"Hah..okay." Zak said, leading him in an open area under a tree.

They sat, occasionally watching cars go by, but mostly thinking to themselves about each other.

"Ready?" Zak asked quietly, turning to Darryl.

He nodded.

Zak leaned in, his lips making contact with Darryl's.

It was quick, only lasting a second or two.

Darryl made note of how soft his lips were- it was like what he had read thousands of times; the softness of lips, the chrisp Autumn light, and someone you had long considered to be one of your closest friends holding you close.

Yet, Darryl felt nothing.

Perhaps that's what made it worse; the absence of feel.

The numbness.

He lacked the warm stir that was expected of him to feel within the depths of his stomach, the headache questioning if this was a dream, the smile, the desire, the need for more.

There was simply nothing.


Zak looked at him smiling, glancing between him and the road.

"You're so awkward." Zak chuckled, watching Darryl's expression shift from unreadable poker face to a soft smile.

"So, um..." Zak tried to start the conversation again.
"A-are we like, dating now?"

"I-" disappointment, frustration and guilt drenched Darryl. He felt heartbroken and guilty to have to explain to Zak he simply didn't feel the same.

He was foolish to think the kiss would change anything.

It wasn't like he was disgusted with Zak; he felt the same about him as he did before the kiss. He simply felt indifferent.

Maybe that's what made this hard; he had no feeling of repulsion or hatred, yet nothing positive either. Nothing to act on. Nothing to tell you what to do.

He met Zak's eyes, full of hope and passion.

God damnit.

"I-err, maybe." Darryl replied instinctively.
He simply had to very gently let him down.
He didn't want his best friend thinking he did something wrong.
Nor did he want their friendship to end.

Zak smiled brightly, making Darryl heart heavy further with guilt.
God this would be hard.

Darryl sat and fidgeted with the grass he found his hands tangled in, brushing his fingers as Zak hummed to himself.

"So um, Zak..."

Darryl felt anxiety building in his chest; the thought of having to tell Zak he didn't feel the same after all of this was unbearable.

"Hmm?" He hummed in response.

"Zak i-" he paused, his mouth refusing to say it.

"I-" he felt lightheaded.

"I don't like you like that, Zak."

Everything went silent, only a soft breeze heard between the two.

Darryl internally panicked, his head spinning with hundreds of thoughts at once.
Was this the end of their friendship?
Would they ever talk again?
Did he f#xk everything up?

Zak slightly shifted in his seat.

God he should of said yes.
He should of taken it like a man and just pretended he felt something back.
Anything to make Zak happy.
Anything to keep their friendship alive.

Even if that meant faking his feelings for him and playing along with the dating game.

"It's okay." Zak said plainly after a minute or so, not making even a glance towards Darryl.

"Anyways, we better go home now." Zak said without emotion, gaining to his feet, swinging his bag over his
Shoulder, and beginning to leave the nice shade of the tree they had sat under.

Darryl felt guilt ping his heart. He felt like he had to say something to make it up to him, but no words came from his mouth.

"Bye." Is all he could get out, earning a slightly disappointed glance from Zak before he left.

He stood alone for a moment, watching Zak walk off, before heading off in the opposite direction to his house, thoughts still flooding his brain.

Words: 985

This may or may not be biased on something that actually went down irl 😎😎

It's late so I didn't proofread- I trust y'all to comment when shit looks a lil goofy

Yuh I'm back it's been like 4 months guys how we doin

Hope you guys are good

I've been wanting to write this thing since like August 2022 and here it isssss

Love ya

See y'all in a few months or so

B y e

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