Fallen Down [F]

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The cold breeze threaded through Zak's hair, blowing upon his face as he wandered through the abandoned field, watching the dark purples and blues shifting at the disappearance of the soft orange sun behind burly evergreen trees.

It was cold; he had a warm scarf wrapped around his neck, preventing the briskness from nipping at his neck.

The field grew darker And darker; he was almost there.

The crunch of autumn leaves filled the air as he walked now towards the trees, the soft symphony of moving branches growing louder.

He wandered through, stepping over sticks and stones that littered the forest floor, before finding an opening.

A small field, a huge willow tree holding true in the middle.

He walked over to it, sitting down at it's heavy roots, listening to it's swaying leaves that hung to his sight.

He took a deep breath; something he had not done since the bustling party he has escaped from. This was his safe haven, a place sacred to him and him alone.

He wasn't very good with people; his anxiety rose quickly and the air in the room would quickly leave his lungs.

He'd try his best to combat it, but most times he'd have to leave early from the pressure.

The soft melody continued, and Zak found himself lost in it's catchy rhythmic sways.

Then he heard a sniffle.

At first, he thought it was only his imagination. He had never told anyone about this place, and had never thought anyone would wander through this neck of the woods.

But soon, he heard another.

He sat up to his knees, peaking to the other side of the tree.

A boy sat there.

He had soft brown locks, which cascaded to his chin.

He hadn't yet noticed Zak's presence.

The boy covered his face with his hands, occasionally choking out a sob.

"Hey.." Zak gently whispered.

The boy jumped at his words.

"I-" He looked at Zak with puffy eyes, red and swollen from crying.
"I'm sorry- I-I didn't mean to intrude your space or anything I-I didn't know anyone came out here-" He rambled.

"Shhh... it's okay." Zak calmed him.
"I just didn't think anyone else knew about this spot." He chuckled.

"Yeah.. I'll get out of your hair in now-" The boy turned to leave.

"Wait-" Zak reached out to him.

He stopped.

"Stay. It looks like you need it."

He contemplated, before taking a seat next to Zak.

"So, what happened to you?" Zak asked.
"That is if-if you don't mind me asking." He quickly added.

The boy sighed.
"Well, I was at a party, and I just...." He trailed off, looking to the floor.

"I came from there too." Zak shared.
"I get that. I was overwhelmed as well."

A mutual smile of relatability was shared between the two, making the event more bearable.

"What's your name?" The boy asked.



"Do you wanna go back to the party?"
Zak asked.
"We could stick together, you know, keep each other in check."

"I'd like that."

Zak's hand brushed Darryl's, a light warmth he wished Darryl couldn't see settling in on his cheeks.

Darryl chuckled and took Zak's hand into his own, intertwining their fingers.

"Come on." He smiled, tugging Zak to his feet.

He looked cute when he smiled.

And there they went, traversing through the heavy wood to find their way back to the house, full of bustling people and loud music.

623 words
Hola, degenerates. Hope you liked this short one. Also, I'm alive! What? How? Who knows! Who cares! I'm simply the mysterious man that you know as Joe, come to make my 6-monthly upload!

Have a good one, you little shits.

I mean it.

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