𝟯: 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻?

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𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗲 ─ 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲'𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗮'

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𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗲 ─ 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗿𝗲𝗲

The entire world knew of the news and my phone wouldn't stop buzzing. The moment I made eye contact with him I knew it was over. The resurfaced pain, the sudden attention, and the damaged parts of me that seemed to appear after last night.

After the announcement, we got off stage and were prompted to talk but I refused. I pushed him away. I had to. I walked away quickly after that refusing to talk to anyone. I'm quite sure I walked for two hours before I made it back to the house and now I was wallowing in self pity behind the locked doors of my room until it barged open.

"Mami, not now please."

"Your Mami isn't here bitch, get the fuck up, we have a lot to talk about." I threw the blanket away from me as I sat up to be met with the face of my best friend.

"Aren't you supposed to be in LA?"

"I got the first flight I could get here. So, be grateful and come give me some sugar." She landed on my bed giving me a big hug while raking my hair.

"I got support stuff too?" I looked up at her

"What do you mean by support stuff..."

"Guys!" She yelled out and they started to pile in. Apparently, behind the door stood Lando, Pierre, and unexpectedly Arthur. All of them had bags in their hands.

"You didn't have to drag them into this."

"If 'this' has anything to do with you then consider us dragged. What happened to 'we go down together' bestie?" I gave Arthur a smile before Alexa, my best friend, begged us to hug it out already

"I lowkey missed you."

"I missed you too, seeing you on screen wasn't enough."

"It really wasn't!" Pierre added making Alexa throw a pillow at him

"We got Ice cream by the way, we'll explain everything we know but you have to say your own side of the story. Did you really not know?" Lando spoke up before also taking a seat on my bed.

"No shit Norris, I didn't even expect it."

"I genuinely thought you knew, in fact all of F1 to F3 knew at the start of the week." Arthur was speaking now as I laid on Alexa while she played with my hair

"It would have been nice if you texted me before I landed here Archie."

"You cut us off, remember? I mean I don't blame you for it but umm I shouldn't have brought that up..."

"No shit Gasly, you need to get over that too you know..."

"What do you mean by 'get over it'?!" Anger was slowly rising as I looked back at Alexa who was trying to back up her words

"Sienna, you need to stop hiding from all of this okay? It's been your whole life and it still is. Everything that happened from that day till now is all in the past, the past can't hurt you but it can teach you to grow stronger, if you keep running away from it, it won't do you any justice because it makes you look like a coward."

"I just came to drop off the snacks. I have a football match with the boys so I'll talk to you later."

"See you Pierre."

"See ya."


The first time Sienna drove a go kart was when she was 4. 10 years later she drove her first formula car. To say she was ecstatic was an understatement, the 13 year old girl had hopped into her brother's f3 car the moment they let her and hadn't stopped since.

Not only was she racing the boys every once in a while on the tracks but she was also helping out with the mechanics without her mothers knowledge. By the time she was in middle school, she could do way more than any f1 worker could and with the help of her father she could have access to practically any formula based site.

She was currently on the track racing Max, Charles, and Raf. Pierre had given her his car with much persuasion and she was surely leaving the other two in the dust as she did her best to catch up to Charles. He was fast and she'd give him that but she would give anything to get past him. Soon enough, he won the race after 5 laps and got out of the car, teasing her.

"At least I got P2!" She ranted in Italian before taking off her, or rather Pierre's helmet

"And I got P1, first best."

"The day I wipe that smile off your face I'll be satisfied."

"Then you'll wait for a while because you won't get that satisfaction, Carlino." She gasps


"Leclerc, stop using words to abuse my sister."

"She asks why they call her Carlino when she makes faces all the time." She snuggles into her brother. Pierre, Anthonie, and Max who were now there while they watched the two argue. The conversation had now turned to english.

"She's a child, Leclerc, obviously the words would hurt her more."

"Why are you making me look like a bad person?" He whines

"Because you are." Sienna poked her tongue out making Raffaelle lightly push her towards Pierre who dragged her away while Charles rolled his eyes

"You talk too much, do you know that?!" Raf yelled towards his 13 year old sister who stuck up a middle finger running towards Arthur hoping he'd catch her when she jumped on him

"Ungrateful prat." He mumbles, walking back to the paddock with Leclerc behind him

"Yet you always back her up. Just let me rough her up on the track."

"Of course I'm gonna back her up, she's my little sister and if you even dare to hurt her Leclerc I'll make sure you regret even breathing next to her. I'm not even joking."

"It's all jokes okay?"

"Cheap for a 16 year old."  Charles rolled his eyes before looking towards his brother and Raffaelle's sister cuddled up.

a/n: I apologise for Charles behaviour but I promise it's going to get better but it will get much worse because there is always rain before the sun.

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