𝟮𝟱: 𝗡𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻

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𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝘁𝘄𝗼 ─ 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲'𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝘀'

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𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝘁𝘄𝗼 ─ 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝘃𝗲

I stood in front of the door a lot longer than I should've. Her tears had caught me off guard, they'd been pouring from inside the stairwell and I caused them. She was in pain because of me and just as I was about to leave, I heard the sound of shattering glass.

"Moragatti?" I knocked on the door before calling out to her again. There was no sound of movement or shuffling and that's when I felt it. There was something wrong. I knocked harder not caring if I woke everyone up on the floor then rushed into my room which happened to be opposite hers to call the lobby telling them to bring the fire fighters or something or someone that could open up the goddamn door.

In my knocking and hitting spree, Lewis walked out of his room a few doors down.

"Dude, you're gonna wake up everybody on the floor." I think the frantic look on my face was enough for him to know something was wrong

"Isn't that Sienna's room?"

"It's not- she's not okay. I know she's not and the door isn't opening fuck."

"Stop ramming yourself into the door, you're going to bruise I'll go get the people in the lobby."

"I already called-" The next person to come out was Seb then Toto, and soon enough the whole floor knew something was wrong and everyone was either around us or watching from their doors

"Where the hell are these people?!" I yelled as I kept ramming myself into the stupid door that wouldn't open up while Toto and Carlos who had just come up not too long ago tried to get me to stop so i didn't bruise myself. Daniel had also come up with Lando. They were taking way too long to come up ten fucking floors. The floor underneath me started to feel damp, looking down I could immediately tell why. I wasn't going to lose her today. I started to hit the door even harder and by now even Carlos had joined until the door opened.

The room was soaked but the sight in the bathroom was not what I wanted to see. I ran towards the tub pulling her out not caring about the glass around the floor or the fact that her hands, thighs, and feet were bleeding.

"Moragatti wake up, wake up please. Fuck Sienna wake up! Guys call an ambulance please! Je jure devant Dieu Sienna, réveille-toi, putain s'il te plait" (I swear to God Sienna wake the fuck up, please fuck)

"Already on it!" Seb yelled

"I'll go alert the lobby to let them in immediately." Lewis ran out the room and I got up carefully placing her onto the bed before trying my best to do CPR. "Get some towels to stop the bleeding, get the first aid kit from one of the teams medical person!" I was yelling out orders like I owned the place but I didn't care. She was so cold, so damn cold. I took off my hoodie before slipping it on her and keeping the CPR going trying to get something, trying to keep her alive. Praying to God for some kind of miracle, I'll never neglect her again. I'll actually put in the effort this time and not take the anger out on her after a race or when Ferrari fucks me over. God please.

I went down to blow into her mouth again then she coughed. She finally coughed gasping for air and I quickly grabbed onto her as she clinger onto me.

"They're here."

"Sir, let us do our job and take her down. You need to let her go-"

"No. I'll help you take her down, let's go." I stood up from the bed holding her tightly before heading towards the stairwell.

"Stay awake for me Noché, I can't and won't lose you again." When I reached the ambulance, I just knew we were going to make headlines tomorrow morning. There was no privacy at all.

"Charles, you have to let Charlotte go with her today. We have a race tomorrow and you need to rest." Pierre spoke up from behind me as I placed her on the makeshift bed in the ambulance

"No, I'll go with her."

"Charles..." Charlotte started speaking but the look on my face was enough to shut the bit of them up. I let out a deep breath.

"I'll, I'll go with her so that when she wakes up she knows I was there for her. I won't, I can't make the same mistake twice."

"Okay, let him go guys but Pierre and I will personally come pick you up the moment it's time to start getting ready."

"Okay Carlos but if she's not awake by then, I won't come." He was about to say something again but was stopped by the paramedics

"Sorry to break this up but we have to get going. Smart thinking for wrapping her up." The doors closed and then we were off to the hospital.

"What's her name?" The paramedic asked packing up a pen and writing down her pulse and all that was needed.

"Umm Sienna."

"Sienna who?" I froze for a bit before saying the familiar pair of words I had played around with in my mind. "Sienna Leclerc." He nodded and looked down at his book.

"Don't worry Noché, you'll be fine."

When we got there, I reluctantly let them take her away from me to the operating room to get the glass out of her skin so I waited and waited and waited and I think the nurses started to feel bad for me so one of them got me a cup of coffee, not the best but definitely not the worse. I was still thankful.

"Family of Mrs Leclerc?" I stood up immediately

"Yes? I'm here."

"And who might you be to her?"

"I'm her... I'm her husband." The doctor looked sceptical for a moment before the nurse beside him whispered something in his ear

"Very well, come with us." I followed him down the hall to a room which was revealed to be Sienna's room. Gosh, even her name felt weird in my mind.

"She's stable now because you got lucky, her cuts weren't fatal and the water hadn't fully filled up her lungs. She like unconscious for a bit but she'll be awake by tomorrow."

"Thank you so much doc, really."

"However, this might have been a suicide attempt so we might have to investigate this when she wakes up."

"But she's not suicidal..." anymore. Or at least I hoped not.

"We have no say in it, it's not our rule it's the government's."

"Okay, that's fine." With that, he left the room leaving me with Sienna. I pulled a chair closer to her bed and placed my head on the mattress while holding onto her hand.

"Oh Moragatti, why do you like scaring me like this. Isn't it enough?" I thought back to the last time I'd seen her in a hospital bed. Raf had snuck me into her room after I had broken her heart and the sight was so disturbing yet peaceful. She was asleep of course but seeing her there scared me.

"Don't stay too long, you're not supposed to be here."

"I know... thank you."

The memory left as soon as it came. Now I had to sit and wait until she was awake again.

NVSH speaks, hey guys, I
apologise for the late update. I
have been everywhere. My exams start
up tomorrow morning and the first
paper is literature. I don't know how I'll
cope at this point.

I hope you're all having a lovely week, It's
sad how I woke up to the news of Mick not
having a seat but I hope he gets one soon. And
the fact that Latifi, Danny, and Seb would also be
gone hurts my soul.

Have a lovely race weekend filled with tears and
gut-wrenching moments. Manifesting a Danny and
seb podium for real.

Ciao loves x

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