𝟮𝟰: 𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗲

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𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝘁𝘄𝗼 ─ 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿'𝗮𝗻𝗻𝗮'

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𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝘁𝘄𝗼 ─ 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿

Stupid Max, stupid Charles, stupid f1 community, stupid me, everything was so stupid and I hated it. I hated what happened in the bar, I hated the fact that I had to go look for Charles, I hated that I had to ask him for a favour, and I hated the stupid dimpled smile he gave me like he didn't just yell at me hours ago.

The drive to the hotel wasn't that much of a drive. It wasn't that far off either but boys being boys can't go anywhere without their cars but I guess it's for the best if not we'd be trying to outrun the multiple fans and journalists that were outside.

The moment we left the area, I took off my shoes and let my hair down from the claw clip holding it up. I turned my face towards the empty roads and watched the stars in the sky. It was well over 2 am too.

"So why did you want to leave?" Can he not shut up when I want him to

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Did you and Max fight?" I froze. Was it even a fight or was it just me overreacting about the situation. I mean, it was Max. He'd never do anything to hurt me intentionally. "I guess you did."

"What are you playing at Leclerc? I honestly don't get it. Why do you so badly want to get a raise out of me."

"I just wanted to know why we were leaving so early."

"If you wanted to stay back and party, why did you come out with me then?"

"If you didn't want me to come out with you why did you ask for my help then?" He stopped the car to look at me. His annoyingly beautiful green eyes boring into my plain brown eyes.

"Can we just go?"

"We're already here." I looked around and noticed we had parked in front of the hotel. Charles got out the car and opened the door for me before giving the valet his keys. I picked up my shoes reluctant to wear it and walked up the stairs into the lobby only to find the elevators were under maintenance until the next morning. We were on the 10th floor.

"Sucks to be us." I groaned at Charles' choice of words and went towards the stairs. I hate my horrible life. A few minutes go by and I hear footsteps behind me. I was on the 5th floor now and Charles had finally caught up.

"Could've waited for me you know."

"No thank you."

"Here." He passes me a bottle of water that I reluctantly take. I hate the dress I'm wearing. I mutter a quick thank you out of having manners and continue to ignore him. Silence looms for a while before he speaks again

"Classic Moragatti," He chuckled confusing me before continuing "barefoot again, those were the days huh?" My breath hitched at the little inside joke he'd made. Please not now, I forced myself to not reminisce about something that was fake. "Look Moragatti."

"No Charles, no. I will not be the person you fall back on after you've had a few drinks or if you want to play house and deceive everyone around us while you have other girls on the side. Not anymore." I started to walk faster. eight floor.

"Moragatti, I never cheated on you back then and I never will. I'm really trying-"

"Trying to do what? break me down some more? I can't do it." ninth floor.

"Moragatti, I'm trying to explain myself. Yeah I've been a shitty person these past few years but just listen to me. There are gaps in your story."

"No Charles, I don't want to hear it." Tenth floor. I barged the door open and went straight for the room while he was hot on my heels.

"Moragatti, just listen." I opened my door and whipped around to look at him.

"At least call me by my name or better yet the name I go by after being made to marry you even when I didn't want to." I waited for him to say it but his hesitation was enough for me. "Go on, say it. Call me Sienna or Bella or whatever the hell you want. You know what my name is. Tell me then you can explain yourself." He couldn't.

"That's what I thought." I shut the door locking it with the knob, then the chain, then the hook. I wasn't going to be the girl that everyone could just get a piece of then walk away like it was nothing, like I didn't have feelings either.

I grabbed a glass from the bathroom to pour some complimentary whiskey into it with shaky hands but mistakenly dropped it. Why was everything so against me being happy today, today was ruined from the moment it started and now the makeup Charlotte worked so hard on had been ruined too. I didn't even realise I was crying, had I started when I was yelling at Charles in front of my door or was it back in the stairwell.

I started to walk out of the bathroom before a sharp pain went through me from my feet. Stupid history repeating itself. I just sat on the floor on the bathroom sobbing my life away letting the glass particles sink into my skin. I didn't care anymore, I finally got up and sat in the bath filling it up letting myself submerge inside the freezing cold water. Everything was so messed up.

I hated life so much I didn't hear the violent knocking on my door or the yells of my name on the other side of my door or the door being broken down or even the frantic hands pulling me out of the water and holding me tightly to their chest as I bled out. Darkness had already taken over a while ago.

NVSH speaks, that was quite
the chapter right? I know it seems
unrealistic how much she gets hurt but
it's gonna get a lot worse but everything
was going to make sense I promise.

I also started writing a Daniel
and Mick fic they're both in my drafts.
Her character represents pain and
hurt but in order to let it go, she
has to endure it a bit more. Maybe
it's for the best.

A little sneak peek!!

A little sneak peek!!

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