Monster's ball

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Grace, Caroline and Tyler walk in.
"Wow. All of this and you weren't even on the dance committee."
"I may have e-mailed them a few suggestions."
"Did I mention you're the hottest serial killer in here? [She giggles.]"
"Well, considering the crowd, I'll take that as a compliment."
"[Noticing Stefan.] Grace I thought you got Stefan a costume."
"[Looking beind her.] He's James Dean. I went easy on him. I figured, between the blood lust drama, the Damon-Elena drama, the abuser drama, he's been through enough."
Stefan approaches them and sets his empty glass on the bar.
"[to Grace] Hey, dance with me. I'm buzzed, and I'm on the verge of having a good time."
"[to Grace] Have fun. We'll get us drinks."
Grace and Stefan leave to the dance floor.

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