The Last Day

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(Voice over) "They have so far believed my act. I understand Elena doesn't know me but Stefan has known me for the whole time he has been turned and knew when I was lying so why believe I am only here to grieve? Well it is going well.

Elijah, Elena and Stefan are talking with a ghost like Bonnie who can only be seen by those included in the spell. 
"Tonight is the full moon. We should assume that Klaus is prepared to break the curse."
"Elena said that the Sun and the Moon curse is fake? That it's actually just a curse placed on Klaus."
"Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline. The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting. But if he breaks it...He'll be a true hybrid."
Grace walks in and so does Damon.
"Well let's kill him tonight-"
"He is not the first hybrid. I know all three of you know that, I mean Elijah I have heard of your stories with my originals."
"I'm sorry who are you?"
"I'm Grace Branson, One of the first three heretics including two sisters you and Klaus know, Eliza and Angelica More. They were turned around the same time as Katarina. By their mother after their brother William died to a were-wolf. They turned me and Lexi, who died thanks to Damon causing me to turn the switch more than once in three months, and the three of us are the most powerful ones in the world as our 5 children are in a prison world."
"Well anyways Bonnie could kill him tonight."
"And die I'm not doing that Damon. But Grace I would love to get tot know about Heretics and your coven."
"Only if you show me around Bennett."
"Deal grab your bag."
Grace runs and grabs her bag and they head out.

Walking around the town
"So what would you like to know dearest Bonnie?"
"My first question is what is your covens name?"
"Just mine or also the other girls too?"
"All of them please."
"Well mine is a small coven, you probably have never heard of them, the Gemini coven and the sisters are Harvest girls, they were set up in New Orleans, Gemini have the Parker family who have controlled for years and the leader is a twin who merges and basically kills the other twin to become them and if the leader is killed then so is the whole coven. The Harvest is really hard to survive like a 0.01% chance so they are quite rare and in New Orleans the Vampire that runs it never let witches talk or use magic outside of the school, his adopted daughter is the only one who can use magic."
"Wow, well who runs the area?"
"Marcel Gerard, His daughter figure is Davina Claire and they run the town."
"Oh I forgot harvest girls are only part of the coven they are the French Quarter Coven."
"Is that the only place you could practice magic?"
"Where I lived before coming back to grieve Lexi and also to keep and eye on Damon because the future doesn't seem bright without me here."
"Really? You can see the future?"
"Yes Bonnie. Is there anywhere we can go to eat?"
"Oh yes, The Mystic Grill, Follow me."

They arrive and sit down.
"You are a very interesting girl Bonnie Bennett, it's nice to meet some one other than your Grandmother that knows what it's like to be used by other super naturals."
"She would have loved to see you then if you came sooner."
"I wish I could have been here but with it off it wasn't the best idea."
"What is it like turning it off, if you don't mind me asking."
"Well it only temporarily takes away the pain and makes you do bad things. You know when Stefan drinks blood he goes all ripper?"
"Yes, me and Elena have seen this."
"Well that was me with magic until Eliza and Angelica showed me another way, I was never used to magic growing up a witch that needs help, I mean as a vampire it makes it only use dark magic."
"That's amazing."
"Thank you." 

They talk all day and look at pictures of both of their trios then walk home.

(Voice over) "I'm going to hold off on revenge for a few more days to get to know Bonnie better and I also want to learn about Caroline and Elena so I need more time but I will get my revenge sooner or later."

"Hey Grace, right?"
"Yeah Alaric?"
"Well it's nice to meet you sir but I'm going to go to bed."
"Nice to meet you too."

(Voice over) "Also I don't like that Alaric guy, something is off about him all I know is he is Damon's drinking buddy but I feel he knows where Katarina is."

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