I Was Feeling Epic

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Stefan is grunting as he tries to revive Bonnie.
"Bonnie. What happened?"
"The magic was too much for her."
"[grunts] Here. Bonnie? Hey."
"No, no, no, no, no."
"Oh, my God. No."
"Don't do this. Bonnie. Come on, Bonnie."
Stefan revives her.
"I saw her. I saw Elena."

Matt is seen walking out of the tower.
There has to be something."
"The only chance we've got is if Donovan can somehow convince his train wreck of a sister hell ain't so bad."
"There he is. Matt!"
"Yeah, it's Sheriff Donovan. Activate the evacuation protocol. Gas leak. Yeah, again."

"[Over the phone.] She's not in the house. Damon's checking the grounds and the cemetery."
"Have you tried the high school?"
"That's my next stop."
"Okay, I'll meet you there."
Grace continues to look longingly at a picture of herself, Caroline and her mother before Alaric walks in.
"Bonnie's in the car with the girls."
"I grabbed the baby books. Do we need anything else?"
"Everything else is replaceable. Let's go."
"Listen, I need you to go ahead. I'm gonna stay here and help Stefan."
"Help Stefan do what?"
"Katherine has taken Elena's body, so I'm going to help them find it."
"No. No, Grace."
"You know Damon won't leave this town without her."
"Well, that is not your problem."
"It's Elena, Paul, and they need me."
"Your girls need you."
"They have you. Okay? Just... Come on, get them to the Armory, I'll meet you there. I promise."
"No. I don't need to remind you what it's like to lose your mother. Don't make me have to tell those girls you died because you put somebody else before them."
"You won't have to. I'll get out of here safely. I promise."

Grace is on the phone with Bonnie and Paul.
Kai spelled her in. She can't get out."
"We're too far away. Can't get back in time to help."
"What are we supposed to do? I can't leave Elena here."
"It's not just Elena."
"What do you mean?"
"You know Damon won't leave her here to die alone."
"You need to head out now, Grace. Take the tunnels, it'll be faster for you."
"[She hangs up] I can't believe this is happening."
"I need to talk to Damon."
"Do you think you'll convince him?"
"No. But I have to try."
"I made a promise to Paul... that I wouldn't risk the girls growing up without a mother. So I can help you with Damon, but I can't -"
"No. I can do it alone. You get to safety. Family first."
"We're family now. Okay? You and me and the girls. It's just please, please, [She begins crying.] don't make me leave you. Please."
"If I want to convince Damon I have to move fast, and I can't do that unless I know you're safe."
"He's my brother."
Grace is crying.
"Family first."
"I love you so much."
"I love you too. [She smiles and kisses him, seemingly for the last time before she vamp speeds out through the underground tunnels.]"

"[Bursts through the door.] I made it, as promised. Any word from Stefan?"
"Listen, we have to leave quickly. I'll explain everything in the car to you, okay? Come on, girls, run to the car. Run to the car."
"I'm gonna save the world. And you need to get in that car and drive away."
"But, I don't... Bonnie."
"Grace, I'm so sorry but we have to go."
"Paul will fill you in. I love you."
Bonnie and Grace hug.
Just don't do anything stupid, Bonnie Bennett."
"I'll be fine. Promise.""Tell me what's going on."
"I don't know what to say, Grace. Stefan, hes uh... he's made a decision."
Alaric's voice fades out, as Grace is shown breaking down into tears.

Damon and Grace are at Stefan's tombstone.
[Running his fingers over the word "peace" on Stefan's tombstone.] Do you think it exists?"
"Peace? I do. We'll see him again."
"You'll see him again. Me, I'm going the other way. They'll probably reopen hell for me."
"Don't be so sure."
Grace, followed by Damon, walks outside to where Bonnie and Elena are. Elena and Damon embrace. The scene moves to Elena, Caroline, Grace and Bonnie sitting on a bench.
"I need you to know that Stefan said something to me before we parted.  One day when I wake up, to tell Grace he heard you and he will love you forever too."
"He got my message."
Alaric, Matt, Bonnie, Damon, Caroline, Grace and Elena place presents outside The Salvatore Tomb, before leaving the cemetery.

"[Voice over] Dear Diary, I've found a way to bring back the dead but that means a sacrifice, as all spells do, I have to give up travelling the multiverse and send Lilith and Ruby home, I also lose some other stuff that I would rather not mention."
Grace is seen taking Lilith and Ruby back to Charlie and hugging all of them one last time.
"I hope who ever is reading this remembers the life of Grace Branson, the one who loved and lost. But also Grace Parker the witch who brought home everybody that died, the witch who had a dark side only controlled by love of family and her best friends."
Grace is seen taking some blood from vials with names on them which are Damon, Grace, Grace and Bonnie. She is then seen chanting but not heard.
"Just let Eliza know that I miss her, let Damon know that he will find peace, let Elena, Caroline and Bonnie know it was good being their friend and Stefan, Lexi, Richard and Enzo, you are welcome for this final chance at happiness. Thank you to everybody who was there for me, I will finally know what peace looks like, signed Grace Salvatore."

A knock at the door. Damon opens it and Stefan is there.
"Hello, brother."
Stefan and Damon hug.
"Where is Grace?"
"In here, why?"
They go into the dinning room with Elena following confused.
"Grace stop."
Grace turns around.
"It worked?"
"Yes it worked but it's killing you."
"Goodbye, Stefan."
She finishes the spell as Bonnie runs in with Grace's diary.
"Somebody grab her I have an idea."
Stefan and Damon grab Grace and Lexi, Richard and Enzo appear.
"It's too late."
"No it's not let me try."
Bonnie chants as Grace is desiccating and Bonnie stops it.
"How did you do that?"
"I'm not sure but somehow everyone she brought is back to being Vampire."

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