I Would For You

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Grace is seen moving boxes in the bar seen in multiple episodes before. Her phone rings and she runs to answer it.
 "Oh, hey!"
"Hey. Is this a bad time?"
"I guess that's relative. I mean, I'm not on the run from a supernatural huntress. How are you?"
"Oh, I've been better. Looks like it might actually be a while before I can visit. Turns out, those herbs are a little more rare than we thought."
Grace looks disappointed, but tries to cover it up.
Oh. Yeah... Hey, that's totally okay. Honestly, there's a chance there was a little bit of contamination going on, so maybe that's not the worst thing."
Just then, one of the boxes falls just as Stefan replies.
"Hey, listen-- I was thinking, um... I've been on the run with Valerie for the last few days, and without those herbs, I'm not going to be able to slow down. But, maybe you could tag in...? I know being on the road seems awful, but it could be fun. We could go to Europe. See the world. Just you and me. What do you think?"
Grace seems both shocked and torn about this offer and takes a deep breath.
"[nervously] I-I just... I just want to see you, Gracie."
"[guiltily] I want to see you, too. But... it's kind of a war-zone over here right now, and... Charlie and Cami really..."
Stefan realizes where she's going with this and sighs sadly.
"They need you."
"[sadly] Mmhmm."
"[disappointed] Yeah. Yeah, I get it. Uhh.... Well, we'll-we'll figure it out once this Huntress thing is over."
"[nods] Yes. We will."
Grace hesitates for a moment before she continues.
"So, out of curiosity, what are your feelings about New York?"
"New York? Uh... I hadn't really thought about it."
"Well, it's not a terrible place to live. And, you know, the bar is here...
Before Grace can continue, Cami calls out to her in a panicked voice.
Backup! I need backup right now! And more vodka."
Grace looks even more guilty as she starts to say goodbye.
"I'm sorry, Stefan. I gotta run."
"[sadly] I get it. I love you."
"I love you, too."
They hang up the phone. 

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