For Whom the Bell Tolls

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Elena talks to Grace on the phone. 
"Please tell me I wasn't out of my mind leaving Damon in charge of Vampire Amnesia 101."
"What did he say exactly?"
"One text – "So far, so good." Which, in Damon speak..."
"Means that they probably devoured a troop of Girls Scouts by now."
"I'm kidding...kind of. Although it's not uncommon for patients with retrograde amnesia or other traumatic brain injuries to turn volatile."
"Okay, Dr. Branson. Since when do you know so much about amnesia?"
"It's possible I studied up on my chem, biochem, applied microbio, molecular bio, and Grey's Anatomy—the real one and the television show."
"You did all that for Stefan?"
"Of course I did. I'm also trying to impress Dr. Maxfield. I figured if I could get closer to him, i.e. into his biology class, maybe I could figure out why he covered up our roommate's murder by vampire, and it's also possible that I have a study buddy."
Grace enters Dr. Maxfield's lab. Inside there are Dr. Maxfield and Jesse.
"Hi, Dr. Maxfield. Are you ready to go study, Jesse?"
"Jesse? Dr. Maxfield's incredibly hot, funny, and miraculously single lab assistant?"
"I'm dragging him to our hometown graveyard bell-ringing ceremony."
"As in creepy first date?"
"As in a study date. While I'm there, I might as well ring a bell for Harper and me considering our relationship is on its death bed."
"See you Monday, Doc."
"Stay out of trouble."
"[to Elena] Will I see you there? You could bring Stefan. I mean, it is ironically called 'Remembrance Day'."
"I hope so, I really do. It just depends on how Stefan's handling the whole download of his dark and stormy past."
"[to Jesse, whispers] Hi. [to Elena] All right. Well, I'll talk to you later."

People are sitting around, picnic style, ringing bells for the dead and drinking alcohol. Some put fresh flowers on graves. Grace is lying on a blanket, Jesse is sitting on a chair with a textbook.
"Togavirus. Go."
"Togavirus causes congenital rubella, whatever that is."
"Okay, hot shot. Red Queen Theory."
"A theory often used to explain the contradictory relationship between predator and prey."
"And why does the supposedly weaker species always stay one step ahead?"
"Fear of extinction. [She sits up and looks at Jesse.] The rabbit is faster than the fox because the fox is chasing its dinner. The rabbit's running for its life."
"Damn. If Maxfield doesn't let you in, you can have my spot. [She chuckles.] How did you learn all that so quickly?"
"Well, whenever anyone tells me I can't do something, I prove them wrong."
"Is that why you invited me here? To prove to your boyfriend you don't need him?"
"I don't know where my girlfriend is. That would require communication and mutual interest and respect, and I invited you here because you're smart and you're nice, and I don't know, I just kind of wanted to hang out with you today."
A bell rings.
"I think that guy is doing a keg-stand on his grandad's grave."
She laughs and looks behind her. When she turns around to face Jesse, he kisses her. She kisses him back but then pulls away gently.
"Uh, sorry. I've just kind of wanted to do that since move-in day. Aplastic anemia. Go."
"Aplastic anemia..."

Stefan is walking around among the people. He grabs a bottle of alcohol from a basket and keeps walking as he starts drinking.
"Gracie Branson, my best friend."
"What, you recognize me?"
"Well, I've studied pictures. You're much hotter in person. [He drinks some more.] Sorry. I'm—I'm a little drunk."
"Yeah. Yeah. I can see that. Are you okay?"
"Well, if by "okay" you mean heavily spiraling into Ripper oblivion, then yes, I'm dandy."
"Keg-stand guy passed out, so I stole these. [He appears with two cups.]"
"[to Jesse] Hey. Do you mind just giving us a couple minutes?"
"Yeah. It's probably a good idea because I can sense from here that you have a paper cut on the palm of your left hand, and I want to rip your entire arm off."
"Stefan! [to Jesse, compelling] Go away, hide. I'll find you."
Jesse leaves. Grace turns around to face Stefan.
"Look. I know that you're hungry, but you don't do people, okay? It just—it doesn't end well."
"What about blood bags? Do you have any blood bags?"
"Yes. In the car. Come with me."
Grace turns around and starts walking to her car but Stefan speed-runs out of there.

Stefan is furiously feeding on Jesse.
"Hey! Stefan, stop!"
She pulls Stefan away from Jesse. Jesse lies on the floor.
"This isn't you, okay? You might not remember, but I do. You are better than this. You are not this person."
"I have to go."
"I have to leave."
Stefan leaves. 

It's daytime. Stefan is standing in the crypt. Grace walks in.
"Hey. How you feeling?"
"Hmm. I'm feeling better, which in my world means I haven't committed a homicide since I last saw you. I've been doing a lot of thinking today, a lot of wandering around, and this seemed like the most appropriate place to come. [He looks at Grace.] What's wrong?"
"It's Bonnie. My friend, our friend. She's dead."
"Uh...What—what happened?"
"Please don't ask because then I'm going to have to try to come up with an answer, which means I'm gonna have to actually think about it, and then I'll start crying, and I'm afraid that I might not ever be able to stop."
Grace sits on a stone bench. Stefan sits beside her.
"I'm sorry. I...I wish that I could remember her."
"I don't know. Part of me just wishes that I could trade places with you because without all the memories, maybe it wouldn't hurt so damn much."
"It's okay."
"It's not. I'm never gonna see her again, and I have no idea where Harper is, and I just got so used to them being there all the time, and now what? I'm supposed to just learn to move on without them? How do I do that when all I have is this sadness and this anger and–"
"Me. You have me. Look. You were there for me last night. Sounds like you're always there for me. [He places his hand on hers.] So let me be there for you, okay?"

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