Welcome to Paradise

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Grace is staring at the graduation pic of Grace, Bonnie, Elena and Caroline all wearing red graduation clothes. And she sighs, heading over to the bed. Elena is walking into the room with a tray of two coffees.
"So I uh, volunteered at the hospital until like two. And then I figured we could carpool to the party at the swimming hole. (After setting the coffee down, Elena realizes Grace is packing.) Um, normally when you live here in you unpack."
"I'm not staying. Last night was just a momentary moment of weakness?"
"Momentary moment?"
Grace nods.
"Are you sure you don't want to stay back at school?"
Grace stares at her directly.
"Grace, needing your friends isn't a weakness, momentary or otherwise."
"(Grace shuts her suitcase.) Tell that to Stefan, who clearly needs no one."
"(Elena crosses her arms) Cut him some slack, he lost his brother. Granted, said brother was a homicidal maniac. But, still."
Grace is staring at Elena with sadness, and incredulously.
"(Grace, shakes her head back into reality) Nothing, I just--I gotta go, I got breakfast with Enzo, so..."
"(looks judgmental)Enzo?"
"Mm, hmm."
"You guys go on one road trip and all of a sudden you're breakfast buddies?"
"(giggles) Yeah, I guess so. Ironically, he's recently become one of the most stable people in my life."
"(Elena still looks skeptical and judgmental) Okay, then invite him to the party."
"(sighs, frustrated) Elena--"
"Come on, I got Matt to take the afternoon of from his training and Tyler to give the practice squad a break, even Jeremy and Caroline are coming. It's been forever since we've all been together, it'll be fun."
Grace opens her mouth, skeptical.
"(Elena, pointing her finger at her) Don't make me invoke the nuclear option."
Grace raises her eyebrows.
"Cause I will selfie bomb you. Every five minutes."
"(Caroline laughs.) Okay, fine I'll go to the party."
"Yay. (She picks up the tray of coffees.)"
"But I'm not staying here. (She heads to the door.)"
"That is a conversation to be had over jello shots."
Grace leaves and Elena drinks her coffee.

"What did Alaric do to her?"
"All I know is she doesn't remember what she saw in Damon and we're supposed to keep it that way."
"(walking in a park with her coffee) I just spent the whole night with her, and it's weird. She just doesn't seem like her old self."
"Yeah, it's because she's happy isn't that the whole point?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"Look, I gotta go. I'll see you later."

Grace and Enzo are sitting at a table
"Do you understand the rules?"
"Yea Rule 1, don't mention Elena was madly in love with Damon or you'll kill me."
"Nodding) Mmhmm."
"Rule 2 , don't really reference Damon at all or you'll kill me."
"Rule 3, wear sunscreen and ( Grace cuts in)"
"Don't make fun of me. ( Enzo smiles a bit) It's important that we let Elena live her new, happy, problem ignoring, zombie life the way she wants."
"A sentence that sounded oddly supportive and judgemental."
"I support her. She did what she needed to do to stop chomping on innocent people on the road. It doesn't mean that I'm enjoying marinating all alone in my misery."
"Well I'll marinate with you."
"I appreciate it. Really I do."
"But i'm not Stefan."
"Rule no.4, Don't ever mention that jerk's name again or ( Enzo cuts in)"
"Or you'll kill me. Got it."
Enzo gets up to leave. Grace notices something on his shirt.
"Whoa..is that blood or pie? Please say pie."
"Hmmm..(Dabs his finger with it and tasts it) That would be.. Shirley ..A special off the menu item. This little diner is surprisingly well stocked."
Grace gets up and stands in front of him.
"Tell me that you snatched, ate , erased."
"Funny thing about that. You do the first two properly, the third isn't necessary."
"You killed her?"
"Oh, don't act all shocked."
"Well, I'm sorry, but death shocks me, and it also leads to a missing persons report, which leads to."
"Sheriff's investigation? I'm terrified. I already have three warnings. One more is a fine."
Enzo leaves leaving Grace disappointed and angry.

Elena is trying Stefan's phone and it goes to voicemail.
"Hey. It's Stefan. Leave a message."
"Yeah. Not answering is one of his new things."
"He said he was here to apologize."
"Lying. Also one of his new things. Stefan has a lot of new things."
Tyler and Matt come up to them.
"Hey. Have you guys seen Stefan?"
"I didn't even know he was back."
"So you want to fill us in on what we're doing here?"
"You don't remember this place? We used to sneak off here and get wasted while our parents were outside grilling. Granted, we all have a few less parents, but we can still have fun. ( She offers them Jello shots)"
"Actually, I can't. I'm working on my rage issues, and this wouldn't help."
"My buddy's wasted, and I've got to train in the morning, so..."
"Ok. Well, I don't want to sound like an alcoholic, but I do want a shot, so will someone do one with me?"
"(Raises her hand) Done!"
Elena happily hands the shots to Caroline and Grace and they take it.
"Bottoms up."
"Mmm! Well... Here we are, having fun. I'm having fun. Aren't we having fun? This is really fun."
"(Realising that Grace is being sarcastic)Ok. Clearly, this was a big mistake. I just wanted to spend one afternoon where we pretend for just one second like we're not all drifting apart. ( She goes and sits besides Grace)"
"Well, that's the problem, Elena. Not all of us are ok with pretending. Some of us prefer to face our problems head-on."
There is a weird moment of silence.
"I think we should go."
Matt and Tyler leave.
"What's going on?"
"I'm just lonely, ok? And Bonnie's gone, Stefan's gone. Enzo... shocker...Terrible, murderous friend."
"I'm still here, Gracie."
"Yeah. You're still here. (She gets up to leave)"

Grace walks up to the drinks table, opens the ice box and sees that it is empty.
"I thought I told Enzo to go get more ice."
"Did you do it in that tone? Because I think I know why he didn't."
"Congratulations. Now it's your job. (She compels her) Go get ice."
"Aren't we supposed to be having fun?"
"Is that why you brought your latest fling in a series of sad attempts to pretend like you don't care about Bonnie...To have fun?"
 Jeremy looks on a bit disturbed. Grace gets a text from Enzo that says " we have a problem".

Grace superspeeds in front of Stefan.
"Good news, Gracie. I thwarted a vampire hunter. Bad news... Stefan has become a vampire hunter."
"What are you doing?"
"Why don't you ask him?"
Stefan leaves. Grace turns around to face Enzo.
"What did you do?"

In the woods,  Grace calls Stefan when she sees him but Stefan tries to avoid her. She superspeeds in front of him.
"Stop, ok? I am sorry. I did not know about Ivy, but..."
"But what? What? I was fooling myself, I was using her as an escape? Yeah, I know what you think, Grace."
"Well, actually, I was gonna say, 'but killing Enzo won't bring her back.'"
"No, but it will stop him from reminding me of my brother. I kill him, I can leave this place, and I can start over again."
"So that's why you left all those messages on my phone, promising apologies. That's why you visited Elena, that's why you came to this party, just to kill Enzo and start over?"
" I don't believe you. I know that a part of you misses this place and these people, your friends. I know that being back here reminds you how much we need you, how much... I need you, but if I'm wrong, then go ahead. Just go. Start over, but, God, if I'm right, if just a little part of you came back to check on Elena, who's had an unbearable 4 months, or Alaric, who just came back from the dead, or me... If even just a small, little part of you came back to check on me...(Voice breaks) Then stay."
Stefan waits for a moment but then leaves suddenly. Grace starts crying. She sees Elena who has been observing everything from nearby and both look at each other sadly. Elena comes ahead and hugs Grace as she continues to cry.

As Jeremy is walking he sees Caroline, Grace and Elena.
"Have you guys seen Sarah?"
"No. Why?"
"There's no ice."
"I think you'll live, Jer."
"Caroline compelled that girl to go get ice. She didn't."
"Well, why not? Is she on vervain?"
"No. She had to go into Mystic Falls to get it. She had to cross the border. "
"(Suddenly realizing) Compulsion is magic."
"Which means that every memory you compelled away came back, so Sarah, the girl you attacked (looking at Elena)and you compelled (looking at Caroline)..."
"Knows what I am."

Grace and Caroline enter the room.
"So, we were just gonna leave our clothes here while we look, if that's okay."
"Yeah, of course."
"We also were thinking that - you know - if there are vampire hunters on the loose then living alone right by there home base is probably not a good idea."
"Is this an official unpack? Because your moving method is so confusing."
"Yes, this is an official unpack."
"I'm sorry I got mad at you earlier. Sometimes it just seems like you have your secret way to move on. Is this ... ?"
"... Bonnie's? Yeah. There we go. You just discovered my secret of moving on: Sometimes I don't."
"I miss Bonnie, I miss Mystic Falls, I miss my old life."
"And I miss ..."
" ... Stefan?"
"Yeah, I miss Stefan."
"Grace, you and Stefan ... did you have feelings for him or something?"
"Yeah, I think maybe I did. Well, we should go ahead and find that girl before she outs us."

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