Death and the Maiden

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Grace is walking down some stairs and on the phone.
"Hey, Jesse. You missed our study session again. Where are you? Look. I'm really worried. Just call me. [She hangs up.]"
"Well, that was pathetic."
Grace looks at Nadia who is sitting at a table nearby.
"Um, I'm sorry?"
"Leaving a message for a boy who-- what's the American phrase-- oh, is just not that into you?"
"And who are you?"
"I'm looking for Katherine Pierce. I heard she was living here, so I checked your room."
"What? You went into my room?"
"Do you know where she is or not?"
"Great. Even Katherine's friends are bitches."
"I'm not her friend."
Katherine walks in and sees Nadia and Grace.
"Are you kidding me?"
"[to Katherine] I need to speak with you."
"Um, how do you two know each other?"
"Katherine is my--"
"She's my stylist. [She clears her throat.] She cuts my hair."
"Okay. Whatever."
Grace walks away.

Grace walks in.
"Sorry to interrupt the world's weirdest lunch, but, you with the doppelgänger blood, duty calls."
"Wonderful. Now that Katherine's a human and fragile, everyone thinks that they can just boss her around. [Grace tries to grab her by the arm, she pulls away.] Hands off, okay? I'm going."
"We're not done."
"Oh, yes, we are."
Katherine walks away. Grace smirks at Nadia and leaves.

Upstairs, Grace, Caroline and Katherine enter the boarding house.
"The cute one's here."
"[to Tessa] She's all yours."
Grace goes and finds Stefan.
"Hear from a little birdy that you got your memories back."
"I did, sorry for not telling myself."
"It's fine well, can I test that?"
"Do you remember me singing this when you me and Lexi first hung out after getting you off your first ripper binge?"

"Yes I remember that Gracie."
"Great, that's all." 

Back in the parlor, Grace walks around with a flashlight. She finds Katherine sitting on a chair by the fireplace, wincing in pain, holding her cut hand.
"Katherine? What are you doing?"
"Tessa's stupid non-surgical incision won't stop bleeding."
Grace bites her own wrist and offers it to Katherine.
"Here. Heal."
Katherine takes it, but she starts gagging and coughing once she starts drinking the vampire blood.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing. Just another tragic side effect from taking the cure. Apparently the universe just doesn't want me to heal from vampire blood. Stupid universe. Find me that damn witch so she can finish that spell!"

Elena, Grace and Caroline enter behind them.
Bonnie turns to face them.
"Please tell me this is real."
"You guys can see me?"
"Bonnie, it worked."
"It worked!"
Elena, Grace and Caroline run to Bonnie and they group-hug.
"You're here!"
"Thank you."
"Oh my god, oh my god! And we can be roommates, 'cause we have that extra bed, and we can clear out half the closet–"
"[in unison] Caroline!"
"I'm sorry, I just—I can't believe you're really here!"
"I'm here. I'm back."

Caroline and Grace are tidying the dorm room when Katherine enters.
"Hey...Umm, now that Bonnie's back–"
"Your room's full. Got it. I'll just get my stuff."
"Thank you, for what you did today."
"Enough. I killed you once, don't forget. We still hate each other, okay?"
"Yes, you did, and yes, we do."
Katherine looks around, confused.
"Where the hell is my bag?"
Nadia appears in the doorway with Katherine's bag over her shoulder.
"Already packed."
"You again."
"I'm leaving, Katherine. I'm heading back to Prague, and I'd really like it if you came with me. We can go to Bulgaria, retrace our lives–"
"I don't know what kind of twisted fantasy you have about us, but that's all it is—a fantasy. I would rather rip my own heart out than do more mother-daughter bonding with you. And I'm human now, so it wouldn't really be that easy. I don't want to know you."
"Mother-daughter? She's your....Oh. Wow."
Caroline and Grace go back to pretending to give them privacy.
"I'm doing you a favor, Nadia. Okay? I can't be there for you. So take a good look, because you are never gonna see me again."
Katherine takes her bag off of Nadia's shoulder and leaves.

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