♡Wolves ♡

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Here we are, cheer camp. Yayyy. Yeah, I'm not that excited, cheers my sister's thing, I'm just here because I need to get away from home, everyone knows I don't actually participate. Half of the time I'm in the forbidden forest. I know, I'm the mayor's daughter and the forest is forbidden so no one should be there, especially not me or Addi. I don't care though, something about the forest has always been comforting, not to mention I've always kinda been drawn to it.

"Cheer camp, even more sparkly than I imagined" Bree says excitedly taking in the place. 

"I don't see why your so impressed, it makes me sick." I roll my eyes at the girl's excitement.

"Cmon sis, lighten up a bit!" Addi smiles nudging me slightly earning a glare from me.

"Yeah wolfy, cheer up you don't always have to be such a downer." Bree adds.

Ah yes, wolfy, my childhood nickname. I've been called 'wolfy' forever, when I was younger, I was OBSESSED with wolves, okay, maybe I still am, but not only the animal, yes, wolves have always been my favorite animal and I know almost everything about them, but there's also another form of wolf I know everything about, werewolves. A lot of people think the stories are just, well, stories, but I know they're true, though, I do think Seabrook settlers twisted the tale. History will tell you that werewolves attacked first and that the settlers found a precious treasure and hid it from the 'threat'. See I think the settlers attacked first and even if the wolves attacked in their defense we were trespassing on their territory and, just like the animal, werewolves are territorial creatures. I'm also pretty sure said treasure belonged to the werewolves and we stole it, but, what do I know.

"I'm not a downer, I'm just not preppy and cheery and all that other stuff. I'll be in the forest, holler if you need me." the two girls wave at me before they rush to cheer camp and I make my way to the forest.

I walk a little far from camp but close enough I can still hear if they call. I sit down on a fallen tree in front of a lake closing my eyes and taking in the scent. With it being forbidden or whatever its really peaceful, no hikers, no cheer, no zombies, just peace and quiet. I listen to the sound of the water and the birds and the wind while taking in the sight. The lake had small ripples in it due to the wind, the birds sang freely, and the leaves of trees blew around in the wind, the grass around my feet sways along with the leaves, the shadows of the trees casted down on the lake and me covering the sun which only showed in the middle of the lake. After about 10 minutes my peace is interrupted by a twig snapping behind me. 

I turn around to see who it is but no one's there. "Addi? Bree? Bucky? Lacey, Stacy, and Jacey?" I call out even though I know none of them would come into the forest. I hear another twig snap causing me to turn my head back around. In front of me are two girls, one has black curly hair with a white streak in it which is let loose and falls on her shoulders and the other one has light brown hair which also has a white streak in it and she has two space buns while the rest of her hair is loose. Out of the corner of my eye I see my hair shine a little as does the white in their hair.

 "Found you." the one with curly hair says a small smile apparent on her face.

"Who are you?" I ask examining their outfits, no one in Seabrook wears anything like what they do. " What are you?" I add looking up to see them both smiling warmly.

The one with light brown hair goes to speak but then we hear a scream. "Wolfy!" I hear Jacey, the newest 'Acey' call out to me, "Come back for lunch!" Stacey adds, "Oh! Bucky wants to talk to you! He said he misses his favorite cousin!" Lacey finishes. "Okay I'm coming!" I scream back before looking at the two in front of me.

Written in the stars ||Willa Lykensen and Wynter Barkowitz X Oc||Zombies 2Where stories live. Discover now