♡ Winter's turn ♡

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Tonight Im asking Wynter to be my second beta
But right now, we're at school
We're currently in study hall, me Addi and Bree
"I can't wait for the game next week its like the biggest thing to happen since the wolves showed up" Bree says excitedly
"For you guys at least" I laugh
"What's happened with you then 'alpha'~" Addie jokes
"Ive asked one mate to be my first beta, and am working on asking my second" I tell them and they squeal, as always
"Which one have you asked?" Bree questions
"Willa" I answer bluntly standing up with my books
"I have a test to make up. Taking care of the pack has kept me from school. See you girls later"
"Bye!" They scream as I run out of the library to one of my classes
The pack has had a lot of recovering to do since we got the moonstone back
Ive also had to take care of the were-pups a lot so school hasn't been my top priority

After the test I walk outside of the school
Im walking through zombietown when im pulled into an ally way
I go go scream but a hands placed over my mouth
"Shhh you're okay babe"
"Its just us"
I turn around to see my mates after willa takes he hand off my mouth
"What was that?!"
"Just come with us" Willa says
"Please" Wynter adds
I follow them into the forest
We walk for a while before we reach the
"Remember it here?" Willa asks
"Its where I first saw you two" I laugh a little looking around in awe
They set up a picnic with fairy lights hanging from the trees and a tent
Not like an actual tent but a blanket set up as one with some pillows and layers of blankets on the ground
"We figured you needed a break from being alpha," Wynter starts
"So we're sleeping out here, plus we never took you on a date" Willa finishes
I smile at them and hug them both
"Who's watching the pack?"
"Wyatt and Waverly"
Wynter grabs my hand sitting on the blanket Willa following us
"Okay but one last thing before I set being alpha aside for the night
Willa looks at me excitedly obviously knowing what im doing
"Wynter Barkowitz" I look at her my voice slightly softer than it was when I asked Willa since I know Wynter might freak if im too serious
She looks at Willa then at me confused
"Will you be my second alpha? You-"
"Yes!" She hugs me
I laugh at her and kiss the young wolf
"Now we can start our first date!" Wynter said excitedly as we pulled away
Me and willa laugh at her excitement

The date was fun
We watched movies, had a picnic, gossiped and then went to sleep
However that ended three hours ago and I am now talking to the elders
"We will have Wynters ceremony tonight" my grandma says
I nod before leaving
Same old boring ceremony but its a tradition so its necessary
I walk to Wynters room and plop down on her bed waiting for her
She walks in not noticing me at first as she digs through her drawers pulling out an oversized hoodie
She turns to go to the bathroom when she sees me jumping back she laughs when she realizes
"Sorry wolfy, didn't notice you were in here"
"Its okay Wynter, I rarely come in here without Willa or you leading me here" I laugh
Normally we all hang out in mine and Willa's room since its bigger than the other rooms in the den
"Ill be back"
I nod as she walks to her bathroom
She comes out not long after with her hair let loose and the oversized hoodie on
She lays on top of me burying her face in the crook of my neck
I play with the young wolves hair
A comfortable silence overcoming us
"Your ceremony is tonight, they want to do it as soon as possible" I break the silence after a few moments
"Okay" she sleepily mumbles into my neck
"Wanna take a nap pup? We can see if Willa will join us"
"Yes. Can we go to your room?"
I laugh at her
"Lets go"
she jumps up happily, she swears mind and Willa's bed is more comfortable than any other bed
She grabs my hand pulling me out of her bed and running to my room
"Willa?" Wynter questions when we walk in
Willa walks out of the bathroom fresh out the shower
Her curly brown hair with her white streak wet up in a messy bun and she's wearing one of my shirts and some sweat pants
"Hey! What's up?"
"Wynter wants to take a nap" I say nodding to the young wolf who's practically falling asleep on my shoulder
"Well, lucky for her, I was just about to take on." She starts laying on the far edge of the bed
Wynter climbs into the bed next to Willa before I do the same
Wynter lays her head on Willa's chest
Willa has an arm underneath me and wynter while I have an arm over the two wolves
I whisper a goodnight knowing they're already asleep before falling asleep myself

I wake up to see my mates still fast asleep
I smile at the sleeping wolves carefully getting out of bed and grabbing my phone
Its been four hours?
I walk back to the bed shaking awake my mates
"Girls, ceremony's in an hour"
They both rub their eyes
"What?" Wynter asks
I smile at the girls
"The ceremony is in an hour"
They both jump up
"Okay! Im going to my room and getting ready, love you" Wynter kisses mine and Willa's cheeks before running off
I chuckle looking at Willa
"As of tonight I have both of taking care of the pack by my side" I smile as she comes up and wraps her arms around my waste
"And that means a lot less stress for you"
"A lot less" I laugh out
I smile at her staring into her eyes
I peck her lips quickly
She pouts making me laugh
"I have to shower"I pull out of her grip and walk to our bathroom
I take a quick shower washing my hair and putting on my normal clothes before walking back out to the room
"I'll see you at the ceremony, I have to go get Wynter and make sure that everyone's ready, I love you" I kiss Willa again before walking out
"Love you too pup"

Same old basic ceremony
Only difference is this time Willa is by my side and I said wynters name rather than Willa's
I could honestly never be happier and seabrook has never been more perfect
We graduate this year, I found my pack, I have my mates and they're perfect, they're my betas now, I met my best friends, everyone is accepted in Seabrook, zombies werewolves and humans are accepted, everything is perfect
I mean what could go wrong?
This is my happily ever after

or is it?

Written in the stars ||Willa Lykensen and Wynter Barkowitz X Oc||Zombies 2Where stories live. Discover now