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Wynter puts the moonstone around my neck and walks back to where Willa is as the pack looks at me hope filling their eyes
Nothing happens at first but then the necklace shines brightly as purple smoke appears around me. Once the smoke disappears I look at my arm to see markings like the ones the wolves have. The pack smiles at me and starts to cheer and howl except now I understand them
"She's the great alpha, she can lead us to the moonstone!"
Wyatt says excitedly
"No one knows where it is though" Addi says
The ground begins to shake as we run outside and Bonzo says something in zombie
"Yeah the explosion came from Seabrook power" Zed says looking out at Seabrook
"They must be testing charges for the demolition"
"Seabrook power is the birthplace of zombies" Addi adds before Zed goes on
"A little lime soda mixed with a mysterious energy source and BAMM, zombies!"
"Nice story but it doesn't concern us" Willa says with an eye roll
"But it does concern us Willa, Seabrook power ran off a mysterious energy source and no one other than the settlers ever have known what it is. It could be the moonstone, right?"
"She found it! She found the moonstone! She's amazing, if she's right, wow" Wyatt exclaims
"We should probably go, come on Wolfy" Addi calls starting to walk away. 
She turns around when she notices I'm not following
"Addi, mom and dad are gonna freak if I go home"
Willa walks up to me and puts her arm around my waste
"Willow's gonna have to stay with us now anyways"
"She's our alpha" Wynter adds walking up to grab my hand
"Part of our pack" Wyatt says
"Right, see you tomorrow sis" Addi smiles at me sadly starting to walk away before she turns back and runs to me pulling me out of Willa's arms and into a hug
"See you tomorrow Addi" I smile at her and watch her walk away

"We have to stop the demolition" I say turning back to the three wolves infront of me. They nod in response before Willa walks up to me
"You can stay in my room until we get you your own, and me and Wynter have something to tell you" I nod and follow her and Wynter to her room
When we reach the room me and Wynter sit on the bed while Willa talks to Wyatt about something
After a few minutes Wyatt walks away and Willa walks in sitting on the bed in front of me beside Wynter
"Willow, have you noticed the glow of your, our, hair and necklaces?" Willa looks at me with a soft yet serious face I nod in response
"It only glows when we're around each other because," Wynters starts looking at Willa who nods at her
"You're our mate" Wynter says
"When a wolf is around their mate our moonstones and white hair will glow for a short amount of time, when I'm around Wynter our necklaces glow but not our hair" Willa starts to explain
"We asked the elders and they told us our hair didn't glow because we have a third mate, that day we met in the forest we went to find out where a scent that enters the forest every year came from, your scent" Wynters continues
"When we got close enough our hair and necklaces glowed, and your hair did too, we went to get a closer look when Wynter stepped on a branch"
"Normally Willa, as you've seen, gets a little hostile and protective around humans" Wynter laughs
"Around you I couldn't be that way, it's a part of the bond, we can't be hostile towards each other our nature won't let us"
Willa asks as I look up at her
"Will you be our.....girlfriend?" Wynter says her voice low as she looks at me smiling sheepishly
Unable to gather words I just nod at the two girls infront of me as they both smile and hug me
"Imma go to my room" Wynter smiles kissing both of our cheeks
"Goodnight" she smiles at us before walking out of the room
"Goodnight"  me and Willa both call out

Willa turns to me and smiles
"I was scared you wouldn't accept us being your mates" she whispers
"Why wouldn't I?" I question the wolf girl as she looks down
"The way we acted when we first came to Seabrook, not to mention everyone thinks we're monsters"
I take her hands in mind as she looks up at me
"Willa, you've always been nice to me and no two matter how you acted all I could think of you as was the nice, pretty, girls I met in the forest. I wish I could've gotten to know you a lot sooner than I did and I couldn't think of anyone id rather want as my mates"
She smiles and before I know it her lips are on mine.
It takes me a second to respond since it caught me off guard but soon enough I kiss her back
The kiss was long and passionate
We pull away to catch our breath as she puts her forehead on mine
"I love you, Willow Wells"
I chuckle as a blush rises to my cheeks
"I love you too, Willa Lykensen"
We sit there for a while before she moves to lay down and opens her arms
"Cmon, big day tomorrow pup"
I smile and lay down snuggling into her
She wraps her arms around my waste and kisses my forehead whispering a goodnight as I quickly fall asleep in her arms

This is short compared to normal but oh well I have a lot to do today and not enough time to write
Also thank you guys for the support on this I started this one cuz I can't think of ideas for 'Mates' (my wyatt Z3 ff) which is why it is on hold
I have a chapter of that started I just dont know how to continue but thats not the point
Thank you do much for the support on this story I didnt expect anyone to read this I just kinda did it for fun but I love all of you guys and appreciate the support byee

Written in the stars ||Willa Lykensen and Wynter Barkowitz X Oc||Zombies 2Where stories live. Discover now