♡The Wolf Den ♡

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After a while we get to what I assume is their den
"Welcome to the wolf den!" Wynter says opening her arms and smiling widely
I look around at the place, it's a beautiful place, I'd leave Seabrook and come here if I could
"Come on let's go to my room so we can focus on the papers" Willa tugs on my hand before leading me up stairs and to another part of the cave. She leads me into a pretty big room with fairy lights hung on the ceiling and a queen bedade with a dark purple comforter and some bright white pillows in the center of the wall in front of us.
"Willa, your rooms beautiful" I say looking around in awe
"Yeah, not as beautiful as you though" she mumbles the last part.
"What'd you say?"
"Nothing sweetie, don't worry about it"
"Oh! I have an idea!"Wynter bursts excitedly
We both look at each other than at her for her to go on
"What if willow stayed the night?"
"Yeah that'd be fun, we could all have a slumber party in here" Willa smiles looking at me
"Sure let me tell my mom I'm staying with some friends"


Hey mom

Willow where are you?!

I'm staying with some friends

Which friends?

You don't know them

Well I have to meet them soon

"Okay let's start with these papers
The girls smile at me as I pull out their registration forms and another one.
"Here you two can fill yours out, I'm gonna ask you for information about your pack mates and put it down on the paper, that's all you need to do"
They nod before telling me information about the wolves going to school.
I also finally learned the name of the one who stopped Willa from attacking, Wyatt, her brother. He seems nice I think we could get along. After about a hour we finish
"Okay well take these all in tomorrow and get your schedules"
"I hope we get a lot of classes with you" Wynter smiles
"I wish our schedules could be the same" Willa adds
"I could put in a request for you two to have most classes with me" I laugh out at the two. I don't know why everyone freaked on the wolves they're really nice
"So, what do they say about us?" Willa asks
"You know, Seabrook"
"Oh, them, they think your bloodthirsty flesh-eating monsters, they say you attacked the settlers and that they're 'protecting a precious treasure' from you" I answer putting air quotes when I mentioned the treasure"
"Treasure?" Wynter sits up
"What exactly is this, treasure?" Willa questions
"According to history books it was a stone of sorts, why?"
"The moonstone" they say as they look at each other than back at me
"Do you know where it is?" Wynter says softly
"No one knows, the settlers didn't put it in the books or tell their children. Can I ask what exactly a moonstone is?"
"It's our life source" Wynter starts holding up her necklace then looking at Willa. Willa sighs before speaking
"It's also why we went into town, school is simply a cover-up since the town isn't too fond of us"
"Our necklaces are losing charge and more of our pack gets sick every day" Wynter says her voice slightly breaking as she tears up
"The elders are too weak, they haven't left their rooms in days, because of their state taking care of the pack has been left to us, to me" Willa finishes quietly as they both look down
"I'm so sorry, I wish the settlers had told someone where it was, I could try and help you guys find it if you'd like"
"Isn't this a sleepover? Let's have some fun" Wynter changes the subject brushing off my offer.

The girls show me around and introduce me to some other wolves. The were-pups were really cute and super energetic, they remind me a lot of Zoe. After my tour around the den we hang out in Willa's room just talking and having a good time.
"Hey come with me" Willa says to us at about midnight. I'm not sure where we're going but it seems Wynter knows as she got super excited, it looks like she might explode from her excitement. I giggle at the wolf girl as j stand up and follow them outside the den, Willa covers my eyes and takes me somewhere. It wasn't too far wherever we are.
"Ready? Three, two,"
Wynter starts and waits a minute before her and Willa say one together and Willa uncovers my eyes. I smile as I see were on top of the den looking at a full moon. I notice some bright lights from behind me and see their hair and necklaces glowing I see a glow illuminate off my hair aswell.
"If there's one thing about us fairy tales got right, it's our love for full moons." Willa says walking up to me and putting an arm around my waste as Wynter comes to the right of me grabbing my hand. Something feels right about being with these two, I feel like I'm drawn to them.

Written in the stars ||Willa Lykensen and Wynter Barkowitz X Oc||Zombies 2Where stories live. Discover now