♡Cheer practice♡

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"Addi wake up" I call to my sister who's asleep next to me getting nothing but a groan and back turned to me in response
"Addison, we have school"
She immediately jumps up and runs to her bathroom causing me to laugh
I get up and go to my bathroom to get dressed, today I'm hanging out with Bucky and the Aceys like I do every Wednesday, so I'm wearing normal Seabrook clothes, bright colors.
I grab an outfit and go take a quick shower. Once I'm out I put on the outfit and do my hair  putting a pink bow on it before walking out into my room and putting on the shoes Willa gave me and Wynters jewelry.

I walk downstairs and sit at the table after grabbing a piece of toast
"Hi mom, hi dad, hi Addi"
They all smile at me as we continue to eat breakfast
After breakfast me and Addi walk to school, she goes to Zed while I wait for Bucky and the Aceys.
While I'm waiting Willa walks up to me
"I was kinda hoping to see more wolf chic today, at least your wearing the shoes and jewelry"
"Hey Willa, I was gonna wear the clothes you gave me but I'm hanging out with Bucky today which means I have to look like everyone else in Seabrook, well, every human"
"Why are you hanging out with them? Hang out with us" Wynter walks up to Willa's side
"I can't, I always follow Bucky on Wednesdays"
Just as I say that Bucky walks up to us pushing me behind him
"If you put one claw on my cousin it isn't gonna be pretty"
He says looking at the wolves
"Willow why are you with these, monsters"
Willa snarls at him flashing her claws and fangs at him as her moonstone and eyes glow bright, I also realize that Wynters glows too even though she isn't using it and my hair along with the wolf girls' starts glowing again.
Why does it keep doing that?
"Bucky, calm down, they're my friends. Willa it's okay, he's just being protective" she stands down as she looks at me. Her and Wynter come to me and hug me
"We'll see you in class pup" Wynter smiles as they walk off the pack close behind them
"You can't be friends with them"
"You're starting to sound like Zed. Let's just go"
I say walking into the building to help them hang up posters of Bucky

Time skip cuz writing about school is almost as boring as being there

I am now sitting on the bleachers at my sister's cheer practice, she's running it today so I'm waiting for all the cheerleaders to come out of the locker room so I can get out of here. I have to be here, don't have much choice, my parents said if I'm not gonna do cheer I have to cheer on my sister while she cheers, so basically they want me to be my sister's personal cheerleader.
I'm reading a book when suddenly I hear footsteps and my hair starts glowing which means either Wynter or Willa are near. I don't know why it glows but I've found out it happens when I'm around them and when there's only one of them the shine's dimmer than when both are here.
I look up and see Wynter in front of me
"Hi Wynter" I smile looking back down at my book she takes it out my hand and sets it down beside her as she sits by me
I giggle at the wolf as I look at her seeing the other wolves have surrounded us and the cheerleaders are in the room staring at them
"What're you guys doing here? Wolves don't strike me as the cheer type"
"We aren't, I think, we've never tried it" Wyatt speaks from behind Wynter
"We can't tell you, yet" she smiles at me
I just nod in response looking down to see my sister bouncing out infront of the squad
"I am so fired up to be running cheer practice today! Together we can do anything!" She exclaims getting no response
She looks confused as Bree points at us and Addi turns around
"Sorry, but this practice space is for cheer only, with the exception of Wolfy"
"Just try and get us to leave" Wynter stands up snarling at my sister
"Wynter" I scold
"Some respect" Wyatt adds as she sits back down
"No I don't want you to leave! I want you to stay, show me what you got. The cheer teams for everyone" My sister smiles at the pack. They go down and get ready when Wynter looks at me
"Are you coming?"
"I don't cheer anymore I've had way too many injuries"
"Oh, okay"
They start cheering, the wolves are good, they're naturals
(Video is at top)
When they finish Wynter runs up to me as Wyatt talks to my sister
I'm talking to Wynter when I see Zed at the door
She looks at me confused, I point in his direction and when she turns her head he runs off.
She looks at me worried before running after him

Here's a short chapter, i don't know what else to add to this one

Written in the stars ||Willa Lykensen and Wynter Barkowitz X Oc||Zombies 2Where stories live. Discover now