♡ New Kids In Town ♡

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"Sis wake up we're gonna be late." Addi shakes me gently.
I turn to look at her and give her a small smile.  Slowly our relationship is getting better especially after the zombies, before zombies were aloud out side of zombie town we didn't even spare each other a second glance but when they aloud zombies Addi was scared and stuck with me all she could. Which of course, ment we talked to each other all the time, and got closer, close enough I can stand to be in the same room as her now.
"C'mon get ready wils, the nomination is today, and your favorite cousin is running."
"Bucky, like 'I am cheer's Bucky running for president?"
"Yeah, weird right?"
"I didn't think he'd ever do anything than cheer. Can't have him putting his 'jazz hands' to waste" my sister laughs as I mock our cousin.
"Yeah didn't see that coming, but, I have to go eat and you have to get out of bed." She says pulling  me out of my bed.
"Okay okay get out." We both laugh as she rushes out of my room.
I go to my closet, all a bunch of pastel clothes, not my style, at all, but, mayor's daughter, I have to come off as the definition of Seabrook, aka a cheery girly girl who only wears pastel pink and pastel blue. I pull out an outfit and style my hair.

 I pull out an outfit and style my hair

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After I'm done I run downstairs to meet my family at the table

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After I'm done I run downstairs to meet my family at the table.
"Hi mom, hi dad, Addi let's go." I grab her hand after hugging my parents and we both run to school.
"Okay you have to admit though if we hadn't hit him that would've been the cutest prawnposal ever." My sister started going on about zed's failed 'prawnposal'
"Okay yeah it was cute I guess"
We walk up to Zed
"You know, I really thought Seabrook had changed." I start looking at my sister.
"Yeah, I thought we could all go to prawn together, humans and zombies." She adds with her head low.
"It did change, and we can figure this out." Zed reassures the two of us.
"Well, since you can't go to prawn I'm not going either." My sister looks up at him with her signature smile.
"What? No, you have to go"
"Well I'm not"
"I like you too much to let you not go"
Ugh here they go again.
"Well I like you too much to leave you behind"
"You guys even fight like the perfect couple" Eliza says walking up to us.
"They really do, makes me sick, anyways how's it going"
"You know fighting injustice is keeping me busy"
"And looking good doin it zom-bae" Addi says after her and Zed finally stop arguing.
"Hey Addi hey Wolfy time to nominate me as president and cheer me on" Bucky says walking by us
"Cheer could be so much more than just pom-pomming for Bucky " Addi shakes her head.
"It could, but you know our cousin Addi, he has a little too much pride. Plus, when your captain you can change that, it will be more than pom-pomming for Bucky " I smile at her
"Hey Addison, when we're cheer captain  you're so off the team, hey Wolfy" Lacey walks up to us with Stacey, I smile at them and wave.
"When I'm cheer captain you'll be welcome to stay because I will build a unified squad"
"That was horrible trash talk"
Lacey links arms with Addi and Stacey walks up to me while my sister waves at us.
"I know you don't cheer but you're still coming with us." Stacey links arms with me and we start to follow Lacey and my sister.
"Bye guys see you later"
They all wave to me as I turn around and keep walking with Stacey.

Written in the stars ||Willa Lykensen and Wynter Barkowitz X Oc||Zombies 2Where stories live. Discover now