♡ Do it like the zombies do ♡

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The next morning I wake up with Willa's arms around me and Wynter laying on my chest I smile at the two wolves
"Morning princess" Willa smiles at me
Wynter wakes up and looks up at the two of us
"Good morning" she smiles
"Good morning" i respond to the two girls we lay there for a bit since the two didn't move before Wynter sits up
"We have to get ready, packs first day of school" Wynter smiles at us before walking to the exit of the room
"You can borrow some of my clothes and use my shower. Oh! Can I do your hair? We wolves know hair" Willa says smiling at me. I nod in defense as she stands up walking to her closet before coming back with some clothes
"Here you go"
"Thanks Willa" I smile at her taking them and walking to her restroom to shower
After my shower I put on Willa's clothes, they're so much better than the pastels I'm forced to wear.
After I finish getting dressed I walk out to see Willa already ready
"Here come sit down" she says patting a spot between her legs where she sits on her bed. I walk over and sit so she can start doing my hair.
"All done, but something's missing" She looks at me before running off somewhere. She comes back with a pair of earrings and a necklace in her hand
"This is some of Wynters jewelry she said you could have it. By the way you can keep those clothes they look amazing on you" she speaks handing the jewelry to me
"Thanks Willa" I smile at the wolf as she looks at me excitedly I put on the earrings and attempt to put on the necklace failing.
"Willa? Can you put this on me?" I ask the wolf she walks over and puts the necklace around my neck before stepping back and staring at me in awe

Once she snaps out of her trance we walk to the main part of the den to meet with the others
"Are those my sister's clothes?" Wyatt asks once we get down
"Yes they're mine idiot she doesn't have anything with her except that disgustingly bright outfit"
"And she's wearing my jewelry, you look beautiful Willow" Wynter adds coming down. I smile at the girl in response
"Well," the alpha starts linking arms with me as Wynter does the same before finishing
"Let's go"
While we walk I take in the view of the forest. Unless I'm at cheer camp with Addi I don't get much time in the forest, i wish I did though.
It doesn't take long before we're out of the forest and walking through zombie town. I get a few weird looks and some people whisper.
"Wolfy!" Zoe screams from Zeds side as she runs over to me and jumps into my arms causing her brother to look over
"Nice to see you too Zoe" I laugh at the young zombie girl, Willa and Wynter smile at me slightly before Zed comes over and drags me away
He proceeds to pull me further away from the wolves
"Zed" I raise my voice a bit more to no appeal as he doesn't respond
"Zed! Stop!" I yell at him making him look back at me then to the girl in my arms
"Go to school sweetheart I'll see you later" I tell her setting her down, she hugs me and Zed before running off
"Zed what is wrong with you"
"Why are you with them"
"Because they're my friends?"
"Are those the friends Addi said you were staying with?"
"Yes, they are"
" Does your mom know that?"
"Of course she doesn't! She'd flip!"
"Well just like how she wouldn't want you around them I don't either, they're dangerous"
"No they're not! You don't know them"
"Neither do you"
"Zed I'm not arguing with you. Go find Addi I'll see you later" I walk away from him and go back to the wolves taking a deep breath before mustering my best smile
"Sorry about that, he's a little, protective"
"It's okay love, he'll just have to learn protecting you isn't his job anymore" Willa snarls a bit at the last part before smiling and grabbing my hand Wynter following her actions as we start to walk.
We make it to school and immediately my sister runs to me walking backwards infront of me
"Wils what's up with Zed? He seems upset"
"He's mad I'm hanging out with the wolves, doesn't want me around them"
She looks back at him then to me
"I'll talk to him, but you know he's just like we were with zombies at first, all he knows is what we were told and what's in the history books so, give him a break, please"
I smile at her as she leaves before leading the wolves back to principal Lee's office
"Wait out here she's still a little panicked by you guys, no different than the rest of the town" I walk into principal Lee's office to se her at the desk. There actually is only about 10 of the wolves going to school so luckily I didn't need help carrying the papers.
"Principal Lee" I call getting her attention
"Oh! Willow how may I help you"
"I have the wolves registration forms and would like to get their schedules please"
"Of course, would you mind helping me with schedules"
"Of course not I'll take half of them" I smile at her making sure I grab Willa and Wynters forms in my half
I know Willa and Wynter had mentioned having the exact same schedule as me so that's what I gave them, I put Wyatt in a few classes with us too since he's Wynter's best friend and Willa's brother
After we print them out I walk out and give them all their schedules I walk over to Wynter and Willa and smile handing them theirs
"You two have the exact same schedule as me" I smile at them

Written in the stars ||Willa Lykensen and Wynter Barkowitz X Oc||Zombies 2Where stories live. Discover now