♡Anti-monster laws ♡

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Zed was totally wrong.
Mom called the whole town into s meeting.
Which we are walking into now.
"Mom we're fine." Addi says looking at me to say something.
"The crash wasn't even bad, we're completely fine mom" I reassure
"Aunt Missy, Uncle Dale, the crash was horrible! Don't worry, I protected Addison and Willow, anyone as brave as me would've done the same. Though not really, I'm super brave."
Bucky butts in, me and Addison look at each other and roll our eyes.
"Mom everything's okay" I tell her.
"Everything is not okay, Willow, there are werewolves circling us right now waiting to attack!" She whisper yells at me.
"Yeah and I'm way too tasty, I'm always looking like a snack, someone has to do something." Bucky says
"And someone will, hold my purse." My mother says handing her purse to my dad.
"Due to recent discovery of werewolves, by order of city council all anti-monster laws are reinstated instantly"
"What?! Mom that's so unfair!" I whine at her as Addi nods in agreement.
My mom looks at me and motions to zip it.
I roll my eyes rush out. I don't wanna spend another moment in that stupid meeting. The werewolves, or at least Willa and Wynter, aren't even bad, they're really nice actually.
I walk around town until the meetings over when Zoe walks up to me.
"Wolfy? Can you help me hang up posters? I want a were friend!"
"Yeah of course I can, let's go zom-girl"
I pick her up and we walk to her house. She runs inside to grab a hammer and a nail.
"Hey little sis, what are you doing her?" Zed asks as he walks up to me.
"Zoe wants to hang up posters and well, I can't say no." I say chuckling a bit.
"Well don't let her be out too late it's not safe"
"Yes sir" I roll my eyes at him as Zoe runs out.
"Let's go let's go!" She says running to a bus stop.
"Looks like I gotta go, bye Zed see ya"
"See ya"
I run after the young zombie
I stand and watch her nail the paper onto the wooden bus stop. Her drawing looks nothing like they actually do but what can I expect she's a little kid.
"Hi! Have you seen a werewolf? I'm looking for a were-friend." I look up to see the zombie girl talking to a worker I walk over to he and put my hand on her back.
"Zoe come inside!" Zevon yells.
"I'll have her home in a minute mr.necrodopolis!"
"Alright thank you Willow"
"No problem sir."
I look back to see the boy eyeing me then looking back at Zoe.
"Silly kid, there's no such thing as werewolves"
"But we heard it howl, right Wolfy?"
"I'm not sure sweetie"
"Maybe it was just a hiker saying howls it going" the boy adds making me roll my eyes.
"It was a werewolf,"
She looks up at him finally.
"My what big eyes you have"
"Okay sweetheart time for you to go home"I grab her hand.
"Have a good day, sir"
I turn back to look at the worker who nods his head.
I turn around with Zoe and walk her home knocking on the door.
"Willow! Thanks for making sure she got home safe, um, are you okay to go home alone." Zed says as Zoe runs inside to play with puppy.
"Normally I'd say I'm fine, but I brought her home because of some creep so actually it'd make me feel a lot better if you came with me, please." He nods at me grabbing his coat and telling his dad he's taking me home and will be back.
We walk and talk about random stuff.
"Wow look at this, my bright pink house. Awesome isn't it?" I say with an eye roll
"Love it, amazing." Zed laughs
"It's so Seabrook."
"So Seabrook" he repeats
"Well see ya tomorrow Zed, sorry about my mom and the stupid laws, which speaking of you should go before curfew."
"Yeah see ya sis"
He runs off as I walk inside.
"Where were you!" Mom shouts at me as her Dad and Addison all stand up off the couch.
"I was helping Zoe with a project of hers, and Zed walked me home, so, completely safe."
"The laws are back up young lady, you cannot be walking around with zombies acting like they don't exist"
"Those laws are stupid, you hear one howl and zombies have to pay for it? Addi shouldn't you be backing me up on this? Your boyfriend is a fucking zombie! I'm going to bed."
I run upstairs and into my room.
"Willow!" Addison screams only to be cut off by me slamming the door.
I lay down in my bed and almost immediately fall asleep.

Written in the stars ||Willa Lykensen and Wynter Barkowitz X Oc||Zombies 2Where stories live. Discover now