♡Flesh & Bone♡

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The next day I wake up with Willa's arms still around me though it seems wynter ventured into the room at some point as she lays between my legs with her head on my stomach
I look down at the young wolf smiling softly at her peaceful figure before looking over at Willa to see her eyes flutter open
"Mmmm morning, alpha" she groans a little bit smirking when she calls me alpha
"Morning babe, and don't call me that, please"
She chuckles and pecks my lips before finally noticing Wynter's presence
"When did Wynter get in here?"
"No idea" we whisper to each other laughing slightly
We both lay there for 10 minutes just talking and laughing, she teased me, a lot but of course our moment had to be cut short by none other than her brother
"Wake up guys we have to- oh you two are up. Well wake up Wynter she'll get mad if I do" he then walks out of the room
I shake my head at Wyatt before shaking Wynter awake
"Wake up sweetie," Willa says softly
"We have a big day" I continue
She stirs around a bit before her eyes flutter open
She stared at the wall before turning to lay on her stomach and look up at us

"Morning" she mutters out with a small smile on her face
"Morning" me and Willa both chuckle out
Willa scoots herself up to be sitting and opens her arms for me and the younger wolf
Wynter moves from between my legs and sits by Willa laying her head on her shoulder
I lay my head on Willa's shoulder as well  before she puts her extended arms around our shoulders
"Wi-" Wyatt starts to walk into the room
"Wyatt out!" She screams at her brother who comes to an abrupt stop
"Yes ma'am" he says automatically turning around
I cant help but giggle at the two
"I hate to say it Willa, but he's right we should get ready, we have to get our moonstone"
"I hate it when he's right but its okay cuz you said it so ultimately you're right not him" I shake my head at her as she kisses both mine and Wynter's foreheads
"You've already worn some of my clothes so you can wear Wynter's if you want, I know she's wanted you to"
When she says that the younger wolf's head pops up as she smiles at me with pleading eyes
"Okay! Lead the way" I say facing Wynter at the end
She squeals before getting up and grabbing my hand about to walk out before she lets go and runs to kiss Willa's cheek
I smile at the interaction before doing the same
We both wave at her before walking off to Wynters room

I look around the young wolf's room and smile the room is decorated in a light purple thats almost a pastel but not quite
She shyly chuckles as she looks down
"My rooms lighter than most in the den, I've always liked brighter things than the rest of the pack" she says sheepishly
I giggle at my mate grabbing her hand
"Wynter, I grew up in Seabrook, bright colors are normal to me. Plus, its not pink or blue so its relieving"
She laughs at me dragging me further into jer room
"So when did you find your way to Willa's room?" I question as sje looks through her closet
"Middle of the night, I couldn't sleep" she answers before turning around holding up am outfit
"This okay?" She asks
"Its perfect"
I smile at her as she hands it to me showing me to the bathroom
"Im doing your hair and makeup!" She screams through the door earning a chuckle from me
I walk out after changing and she smiles handing me the boots and jewelry I've worn every day since the wolves came to town
She then rushes me over to her vanity doing my hair and makeup
"Tada!" She says excitedly moving out from infront of me so I can look in the mirror
"Wow" I whisper

 Plus, its not pink or blue so its relieving"She laughs at me dragging me further into jer room"So when did you find your way to Willa's room?" I question as sje looks through her closet"Middle of the night, I couldn't sleep" she answers before tu...

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Written in the stars ||Willa Lykensen and Wynter Barkowitz X Oc||Zombies 2Where stories live. Discover now