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Hello! Long time not see. I couldn't find a way to fit Z3 in here in a way that I would like, so I decided to just end the story where it is. I think its in a fairly good place so, thats the end of Written in The Stars. I'm going to try yk start updating my other stories again. Probably keep one on hold until I finish the other. Sorry for how long it's been, I fell out of my Zombies obsession(idk what else to call it) for a while, I've been writing Kpop(tbh only skz) fanfics on other accounts. With school I'll try to find scheduled days to upload, but I cannot promise that I can always post. If chapters get short, I get writers block extremely often so, bare with me. Anyways, thank you so much on your support throughout this story, but I am afraid it, officially, has come to an end.

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