♡Call to the wild♡

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When my sister finally comes home she runs straight to her room not even sparing me a glance.
What's wrong with her? I run upstairs after her
"Addi?" I call out knocking on her door
No response, I do however hear sobs on the other side of the door
"Addi, can I come in?"
She opens the door and runs back to her bed shoving her face into her pillow
I walk over to the other side of her bed and sit down
I open my arms and motion for her to come over
She comes up to where I'm sitting laying her head on my shoulder crying. I play with her hair and wait for her to calm down a little
"What happened"
"What'd he do"
She tells me what happens
(I'm not typing an explanation of what happened with the two after the cheer practice)
"Well, I say, that you shouldn't waste your tears on him. Hang out with your sister today? We can drink hot chocolate, do homework, and watch movies"
Her face immediately lights up as she jumps up
"You will go wash up and I'll get everything set up"
"Okay! I'm going, I'm going" she chuckles walking off to the bathroom. I go downstairs and start making the cocoa and some snacks. She comes downstairs right as I finish. I hand her a cup of hot chocolate and grab mine and the snacks going to the living room with her. We both pull out some homework and start on it.
I hum looking at her
"Can you help me with chemistry?"
"I don't do chemistry Addi, ask Bree"
She nods taking out her phone
We sit there a little longer before there's a scratch at the door
"Zed?" Does she really think that's Zed?
We both set down our books and get up opening the door
We look at the back of the door to see fresh scratch marks which means that our visitor is a wolf or a wolf pack
We set down our mugs and look back up spotting the pack, knew it.
"Come with us" Wyatt says seriously, it's kinda scary
"What's so important?" Addi asks, meanwhile I'm once again trying to figure out why my hair is glowing along with Wynter and Willa's white streaks and necklaces
"You are" He answers
"Both of you" Wynter adds smiling at me
Addi looks at me confused as if asking me why they're here, I shrug at her
"Let's just go Addi, it'll take your mind off of, well, you know" I whisper to my sister squeezing her hand, she smiles and nods.
Wynter smiles widely grabbing my hand as Wyatt heads to Addi and they lead us ti wherever.

About halfway I realize where we're going
"Are you taking us to the den?" I ask Willa smiles at me and nods
"How'd you know?" Wyatt asks confused
"I remember coming this way when I went the other day"
"I kinda forgot you already came to the den" he looks down and scratches his neck nervously
I shake my head at him looking down at both my hands as Willa holds one and Wynter holds the other
"Welcome to the wolf den!" Wynter says excitedly opening her arms as we arrive receiving looks from the pack
"But not too welcome"
She adds snarling resulting in a coughing fit as her eyes and necklace turn a green color. She falls to her knees as she coughs. I sit by her side and rub her back in attempt to comfort her in a way.
"I'm alright" she smiles at me once she's done coughing her smile looking weaker than normal
"What happened?" I ask concerned
"My necklace is losing its charge" she looks down holding up her moonstone
"Everyday more and more of our pack gets sick, our elders are to weak to travel which leaves-" Wyatt starts before Willa cuts him off
"Which leaves taking care of the pack to us, to me. You're gonna be okay." She says softening her voice as she goes to Wynters other side helping her up
"You better be right about this" she looks at Wyatt
They lead us further in as Addi looks around in awe
"Wow" she whispers
"It's okay to be impressed" Wynter smirks at her
All the wolves howl causing Addi to jump back
"Our language, awoo Addison, awoo willow" Wyatt smiles at us
Addi tries as the others laugh
"Ostrich boots?" Wynter questions from her place beside me
"No I think Addison meant awoo" Wyatt corrects
"Oh, um, awwoo?"
She tries again
"Polka dot unicorn?" Wyatt asks as Wynter looks around excitedly
"Cool where?!"
"No, um awoooo"
"Language! There's were-pups around!" Wyatt scolds
"She needs to put a pebble in the swear-wolf jar!" Wynter adds pointing at my sister who apologized
"Willow, why don't you try"
Wynter asks
I try, the whole den looks at me
Oh no, what did I say
"You said that perfectly" Wyatt says impressed
"Enough, that's not why they're here" Willa cuts in. This is the first time I've seen her this serious

Written in the stars ||Willa Lykensen and Wynter Barkowitz X Oc||Zombies 2Where stories live. Discover now