♡Breaking the law♡

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Once we're out of the building I walk over to my sister
I need to apologize I snapped for no reason at all
"Addison! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have snapped at you, I knew you were hurt that you still don't know who you are-" she cuts off my rambling hugging me
"I should apologize, not you. I was jealous and couldn't let you save your pack. I dont care where I belong, as long as I have you"
I smile at her as she pulls away from the hug
"Addison! Get away from her!" Dale calls out
"Dad?" She questions
"Get away from that monster, Addison" he says more sternly
"Dad! She's your daughter!"
"No she's not, she's not your sister either"
"Yes, she is. She's my twin sister and I'll stick with her, 'through the highs and the lows'"  she smiles defending me
"She's not your twin Addison, she's adopted. I wish I had left her on the street that night" he says as mine and Addi's faces both drop
"I knew I was adopted, but thats too far Dale" I say lowly as I walk back to the pack with silent tears running down my face
Willa and Wynter run up to me engulfing me in a hug as I hear them growl, I assume towards Dale
"W-what? You could've at least told me! Even do she's still your daughter and still my sister, and if you didn't take her in she'd be dead, all her pack would be dead!"
"That'd be a blessing to us all" Dale said
The pack all snarls at him ready to attack, which while id love to see that, Seabrook would only view us even more as monsters than they already do
"Wolves! Stand down!" I say pulling myself together and standing straight up infront of my pack
"It'll only make things worse for us if anything happens to him" I tell them as they all stand down
"Boss there's a problem!"
A worker runs up to Zevon
"What is it?" He asks as we all turn to face the worker
"The remote shorted out and the demolition timers running" we all panic
"Shut it down!"
"I cant"
We all run to the building only to see it burst into flames
The pack starts to cough as Willa and Wynter hold onto me for support
Eventually I start coughing as well but worse than everyone else
As I continue coughing I fall to my knees my vision tunneling
"Wolfy?" My sister says softly as she walks towards me
I barely can make out her words through the ringing in my ears and my coughs
Before I know it everything fades to black

I open my eyes to see a rocky ceiling
I try to sit up but am pushed back down
"Dont move, you're too weak, you need rest" I hear a soft voice
I look up to see im laying on Wynters lap with Willa laying next to me asleep
"We're in my room, it's closer to the entrance than Willa's and we still don't have a room for you" she says noticing me looking around the room
"I'm sorry" I whisper
"For what?" She asks furrowing her eyebrows
"I failed you, the pack. They destroyed the moonstone"
"That's not your fault, now get some rest baby. You have to get your strength back so we can help the rest of the pack" she kisses my forehead before laying her head back and closing her own eyes
I smile up at my mate before looking back at the other examining her face
She looks so peaceful like for once her mind is at ease. Of course, nothing can last forever, as Wyatt comes in obviously upset about something as he slams the door open waking up my mates
"The zombie's here" he mutters out walking back to the main area with me and my mates close behind
"What do you want Zed" I say as I step infront of the three
"They were wrong to destroy Seabrook power, and I was wrong about werewolves. You have every right ti fight for who you are"
"What are we now, Zombie" Wyatt snarls at him as I look back at him glaring slightly
"You're fierce proud werewolves" Zed encourages
"Yeah, they think were monsters" Willa rolls her eyes as I laugh
"We are monsters" I tell them and Zed smiles
"And we have a prawn to crash" he says
"I dont have my dress Zed, its at my, Addison's house" I say
He pulls a bag out
"Addi gave it to me to give you, she said that if she could she'd bring it herself but she wants you there"
I take the bag from him and hug him before pushing him
"Now get out of our den dummy" I laugh as he runs off yelling back at me
"See you soon wolfy"
"You dont gotta yell!" I say back hearing his distant yet clear laugh
"Well, we have a few laws to break. Lets go!" i say turning to the three behind me they laugh
"Wolves! Those of you that went to school and are healthy enough to leave the den go get ready, we have a party to crash!"
Celebratory howls are heard throughout the den as they run to their rooms
Willa and Wynter get ready in Willa's room while im in Wynters since they didnt wanna see my dress until I was completely ready

I open the bag to get my dress and hair clip and see some jewelry, shoes, and a note that weren't in there before

Dear Wolfy,

I wish I could give this to you myself but dad doesn't want me going near the pack, I had Zed give you the dress and added in the jewelry and shoes to surprise you.
I just bought it all today
I dont care what dad says you're my sister and I'll be there for you when you need me, through the highs and the lows
Hope I see you at prawn sis


I smile at the note putting it aside taking the dress shoes and jewelry so I can get ready
I put on the dress shoes and jewelry before going to Wynters vanity to do my hair and makeup

I walk out to the main area of the den and see all the wolves that are going to prawn ready
"Willa, Wynter" Wyatt whispers pointing at me
The two turn to me their eyes widening and mouths opening slightly
i laugh as I stand infront of them and do a spin
"How do I look"
"I dont think they're answering anytime soon" me and wyatt laugh looking at the two wolves
"You look amazing, perfect for my sister and best friend" he says hugging me
"Thanks Wyatt" I smile at him
"You and the rest of the pack go ahead, I'll get these to back on earth then we'll meet you there"
He nods before him and the others leave
"Willa~ Wynter~"
I call out snapping in front of both their faces
They both shake their heads snapping out of it
"Sorry, you just look" Willa starts
"Wow" Wynter whispers as willa nods in agreement
"You guys dont look too bad yourselves. Lets go, I told Wyatt we'd catch up"
They both nod as willa snakes an arm around my waste and Wynter links our arms before we walk

Wyatt and the others were waiting for us with the zombies in zombieland
"You look great Wils. Addi wasn't kidding when she said that dress looked good on you"
"Thanks Zed. Lets go!"
They all laugh at me as we walk to the school
Im at the front with Willa, Wyatt, Zed, and Eliza
When we walk up to the school we see Bucky and the Aceys get out of a limbo
"What is that?! He says looking at us
"Zombies?" Jacey questions
"And Werewolves" stacey adds
"And Willow?"Bucky questions my presence as he notices me
"In formal wear?" Stacey says looking us up and down

"They look good" Lacey says earning looks from the others
As we walk up Bucky pulls me away before looking at the others
"You guys can't be here, there are laws against this"
"Bad laws are meant to be broken" Zed says
"And monsters dont follow the laws" Eliza continues fist bumping Zed before she keeps talking
"Zombies are a part of Seabrook Bucky, and we deserve to be here"
"Werewolves are a part of Seabrook too, the originals, in fact" Wyatt steps up
"Someone's got to stop you" Bucky runs to the Z-alarm as I follow him and snarl flashing my fangs and claws as my eyes shine a bright yellow
He jumps back
"You're one of them?!" He panics as I burst out coughing and my mates glare at him while Willa walks to my side rubbing my back
"Welcome to prawn!" Bucky steps to the side
We walk in and the pack sits down while the zombies run to friends or significant others

Written in the stars ||Willa Lykensen and Wynter Barkowitz X Oc||Zombies 2Where stories live. Discover now