27- Sam

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"So... we all got what we wanted last night," Ciera commented the first words since we all gathered in the kitchen.

What brought Ciera to this conclusion? Noah was making mine and his iced coffee in only his briefs and had a small smile on his face while doing so. I was shamelessly watching him from the kitchen table- my face in my hands while my elbows propped me up- also with a silly smile on my face.

Ciera and Kaitlyn were sitting on the stools. Ciera's hand on her thigh while Kaitlyn unconsciously played with Ciera's free hand.

So yeah, it was safe to say we were all pretty happy. One very obvious reason: we got laid last night with the person we wanted to get laid by.

Ciera's comment got three responses;

A giggle from Kaitlyn.

"I definitely did," from me as I beamed even more at Noah.

And a sarcastic, "you pick up quick," from Noah before he placed my cup of coffee in front of me, leaned lower to place a kiss on my lips, and took a seat next to me.

"What's up with you two? I assume Boring Ben is out of the picture and you two are back to being happily in love?" Ciera asked in her signature dry tone.

Noah turned to me, "Wanna answer that one, Sweetheart?" His tone was dry.

Ugh. "Not exaaactly," I drew out to Ciera.

"What does that mean?" Kaitlyn pondered.

"Means, Kaitlyn, that Boring Ben and Sam are still cute, adorable boyfriends," Noah spoke passive aggressively.

"Hey," I said firmly, "That's changing."

"Hm, well, good luck with that," Ciera said as she stood up then held her hand out to Kaitlyn which she grabbed and stood up as well, "We're going out today and need to get ready, so you kids have fun," and she lead them to Ciera's bedroom.

Once out of sight, I reiterated to Noah, "I'm going to break up with him. You know I want to be with you."

"I know. I just hate the thought of you two together," he grimaced.

I shook my head and sighed. Then I thought about last night, not the good part with Noah, the event before that: Jude. "Can, uh... can we make breakfast?" I asked timidly, my anxiety beginning to shuffle awake in my stomach. The thought of eating had me feeling a little nauseous, but what really had me feeling sick was a more gruesome thought. What if I ever get stuck in that situation again? Someone like Jude taking advantage of me. I wasn't strong enough to fight him off and I knew the reason for that; my lack of eating.

Noah looked surprised at my question, "Oh, um. Yeah, definitely. Why do you...? I mean, you want to...?"

"I just..." I looked down, suddenly feeling embarrassed about last night. I fidgeted with a napkin that laid in front of me, folding and unfolding it over and over as I spoke, "I was too weak to push Jude away... if that happened again-"

"It won't happen again," Noah said firmly, with an edge of anger to his words.

I gave him a look, "You should know that anyone can be cruel and take advantage of someone. I'm not talking just about Jude, but it's a scary world we live in and you're not always going to be able to save me." I took a deep breath, "And since last night I realized... not eating is more dangerous than I thought. It makes me weak... I don't want to be weak." Then mumbling, "Even though it'll be hard."

Noah was silent, absorbing my words until he stepped in front of me. He gently took the napkin from my hands and set it down before slipping his hands in mine. He tugged me to stand up then wrapped his arms around me, my arms going around his waist. "We'll take it one day at a time, okay?"

I nodded against his chest, but I really felt like crying from how overwhelmed I felt. Noah placed a soft kiss on the top of my head. I swiped my hand quickly under my eyes before we pulled back. "Let's make breakfast," Noah said.


Noah dropped me off at my dorm, giving me a kiss goodbye, then drove off. I didn't stay in my dorm for long; I changed my outfit, freshened up, then headed to a bus stop. After a few stops, I was in front of Ben's dormitory.

On his floor, I knocked on his dorm room's door. My anxiety only gotten worse when I arrived at Ben's. I didn't want to break up with him. I wanted us to be over, I just didn't want to have to be the one to end it. Sure, there were big red flags for Ben, but I still cared greatly for him. I didn't want to break his heart.

I wasn't excited in any sense of the word once Ben opened the door. "Baby," was his form of greeting as he pulled me into a hug. "Thank God," he breathed out a shaky breath and I realized he was crying.

My body was itching with guilt. Did he know I slept with Noah? No, how would he know? "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, hugging him back.

Then he cried harder in my should. "My grandma. She- she died last night."

My heart dropped and I pulled back to look at him, "Oh my God, Ben. I'm so sorry I didn't answer your call."

He shook his head, "No, it happened around two am. She died in her sleep and my mom just called me and told me."

I wrapped my arms around him, "I'm so sorry," I spoke genuinely. Ben was very close to his grandparents, they were more his parents than his actual parents. But his grandma had been battling with cancer for a while.

Then a terrible thought struck me; I can't break up with him now. How shitty would that me? Oh God.

"Come home with me. The funeral's on Wednesday. My grandma loved you and I need you," he said. I had met his grandma parents quite a few times and gotten to know them. They were sweet, and kind to me, and Ben was right; his grandma loved me.

Sorry, Noah. "Of course," I agreed, but what else could I say? I couldn't break up with Ben the same day his grandma died. So I'll show him my full support and go to the funeral and then afterwards I'll end it.

That seemed like a simple enough plan. I just had to tell Noah.


Writers block and I: 🤼‍♂️

Thank you for your patience and for reading <3

-Xoxo, Bert

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