14- Noah

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Today 9:00 am

I swear that mf ruins

I texted Ciera at the beginning on Math 102 while all the students were solving the ten equations that our professor wrote up on the board. My knee was bouncing underneath the table, my body set on fire from how pissed off I was at the sight of Jude's hand on Sam.

Ciera responded quickly.

Who? Jude or Boring Ben

Jude. He basically cornered
Sam before class. He's gonna
get his ass beat next time I see
him with Sam.

And then afterwards, Sam was
fucking pissed at me for stepping
in. Fucking bullshit.

I don't understand why
you and Sam don't just
TALK to each other.
Not this bs messing around
w/ each other that you've
been doing all week.
Actually talk.


Stop being a pussy. You 2
never got the chance to talk
and hash things out after
everything. Talk to him Noah.

I don't want to hash things out

Yes you do

Sometimes Ciera annoyed me with how fucking right she was all the damn time. Sure, Sam and I should probably have an actual conversation about things, but for now he was at arms length. Further than that, and that's where I liked him.

I looked beyond the crowd of student till my eyes landed on Sam. He was working hard on his notebook, glancing up at the board and back down to write more numbers. His brown hair falling into his face. And that mother fucker was wearing his pale pink crew neck which I loved on him. I wondered if he did that on purpose, but realized that sounded ridiculous.

Plus, I never told Sam about jerking off to the smell of Sam's pink crewneck, so it wasn't like he was wearing it for me.

I didn't need to be friends with Sam, us two annoying each other in passing on campus was fine. And then at the end of the school year, I'll receive my associates degree (I couldn't do another two years of school, fuck that), I'd move on, and Sam won't be in sight to fuck with my head.

But as class went on, I kept checking on Sam and thinking about how everything ended between us. At least if we had a chance to talk it all out, I'd have better closure. Maybe then I could move on. Maybe closure was what I was lacking.

So, instead of thinking more on the matter, I grabbed Sam's attention after class as he was walking down the stairs.

"Sam," I called to him. He looked over his shoulder and slowed at the sound of his name. At his side and continuing down the stairs with him, I asked "How many classes do you have left?"

"Uh two, why?" He asked.

I stopped him once we were outside. "I think we should talk."

Sam's eyebrows raised like that was the last thing he thought I'd say. "About?"

"About-" my phone started going off and I groaned when I saw the caller ID. "Fuck me, she's relentless," I grumbled.

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