25- Sam

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"I could drive you home," Noah offered after I patched up his hand and my heart dropped.

"Oh, um yeah, okay," I stood up, stepping back, but the disappointment I felt was unbearable.

I don't know why I was surprised, I was the one who told Kai that Noah would drive me home. But I just said that to say it. I didn't actually want that. Did I really have to spell it out for Noah that I wanted to stay?

But I knew I couldn't ask him to stay. I rejected him twice, it wouldn't be fair to ask.

So I turned towards the door, ready to walk out, until I was pulled to Noah, my hands going to his chest and I looked at him surprised. "Or you can stay the night, but if you do, it's going to be in bed with me. I'm not going to make the decision for you, so I'm taking you home or you're spending the night in my bed."

My heart was pounding out of my chest. This was it; Noah putting himself back on that platter and I wasn't going to make the mistake of not taking him this time. "Okay," I said then realized that wasn't an answer. "I mean, yes." Noah raised his eyebrows at me because I still didn't technically pick, "I mean, I'll sleep with you," I shook my head "Sleep in bed with you." Oh God.

My nerves were all over the place, my body trembling in anticipation. Anticipating laying next to him... and what laying next to him could lead to. My body ran hot as I watched Noah shuffle through his dresser, back in his bedroom, and pulled out a t-shirt of his for me and I tried not to show how badly my hands were shaking when he offered it to me.

"Thanks," I said casually but was screaming on the inside. "Umm," Stop being a pussy, Sam, I thought to myself and took a deep breath before taking my clothes off. Stripping in front Noah who I could feel shamelessly watching me.

Now only in his t-shirt and my boxers, I turned to him and asked, "Um, I'm gonna- you wouldn't happen to have a toothbrush I could use?" Why was I being to excruciatingly awkward?

"There might be one still in its package in one of the draws in the bathroom," he told me.

I nodded and walked out of his bedroom, passing Kaitlyn, "Is that Noah's shirt?" She asked like she didn't know considering it was bigger on me.

"Is that Ciera's room you're heading into? Don't be too loud tonight."

"Same to you," she told me before slipping into Ciera's bedroom.

In the bathroom, first thing I did was scrub the hell that was Jude off my lips with soap and hot water. I didn't want a single trace of him on me. I splashed water in my face and patted my face dry with the towel that laid on the counter.

I closed my eyes and took a beep breath, trying to calm my nerves which was a mix of what happened at the party and what would've happened had Noah not stop him, and also trying to calm my nerves of spending the night with Noah.

I shuffled through the drawers and found a two pack of toothbrushes, one already taken out leaving a baby blue one for me. After brushing my teeth, I scanned the counter top and found exactly what I knew Ciera would have. Face moisturizer. After rubbing the moisturizer into my skin, I used the lotion Ciera also had to rub on my arms, my legs, and neck so that I'd smell good for... what could happen or at least what my body wanted to happen with Noah.

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