9- Sam

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Noah brought me food- made me food to make sure I'd eat. My heart was beating so fast when he was talking to me. I was in awe when he walked away and I just sat frozen in my seat.

He'd noticed that I hadn't been eating much? How? I didn't lose that much weight, had I?

I lifted the lid off the container. There was a plastic fork. I smiled and picked it up. Pesto eggs was my favorite type of eggs and Noah knew that.

What did that mean? Were we friends now or at least heading there? No one makes someone else food without thinking of that person and caring for them. Maybe there was hope after all for mine and Noah's friendship. Just the thought of that had my heart beating faster.

Eating seemed slightly more appealing at that moment and I took a bite. And another and another. Slowly and cautiously, but nonetheless I ate. The eggs and bacon were still hot from being enclosed and the berries were cold. I couldn't finish it even though it all tasted so good.

I looked back at Noah and he thought he was slick as he looked away, but I knew he was looking at me. I faced the front of the class, biting my lip to keep me from smiling. 

Professor Weber entered the classroom at 8:58 am and set his briefcase down silently before turning around and writing eight equations on the board. He turned around to us. "Good morning class. You have ten minutes to complete these equations while I do roll call. Go."

After class, I waited outside of the door for Noah, but when he walked out, he glanced at me and didn't stop walking.

I sped-walked down the stairs and until I caught up to him. "Hey, um, thank you for this," I said shaking the container a bit. We were then walking side by side on the pavement. Noah only nodded. "I'll wash it and bring it back to you."

"Keep it," he told me, still not looking at me and it oddly felt like I was back to Junior year of high school when Noah wouldn't give me the time of day before we became friends and then more. But then Noah added, "Now you have a container to put your own breakfast in."

"Ah hahaha, yeah. Hey, so I was wondering-"

Noah grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side of one of the buildings "We're not friends, Sam. I made myself breakfast and had extra. Me giving you breakfast was because I don't want to see you killing yourself by not eating."

My chest grew tight. "I do eat."

"Really? 'Cause you-" he began harshly then sighed, inhaled a deep breath, then said more calmly, "I just... I had extra food, that's all," and he walked away.

He had extra food. He didn't make me food, he made himself food. But even if that was true, Noah still thought about me which was confusing. He was confusing.

But I was an idiot as I stood outside Noah's apartment door with a cleaned container- around eleven pm- and waited for him to open the door.

It wasn't him. The pretty, petite girl I saw Noah with at the party. My stomach felt mushy when she opened the door. "Sam?" She knew my name? Well, I guess that made sense, I had met her before and she was clearly close to Noah. 

"Ah haha, yeah," oh God, what was I thinking? "Um, I'm sorry, Noah lives here, right?"

"Yeah, you can come in," she offered as she stepped back, opening the door some more. "He should be here soon."

"Oh, no. That's okay, I- uh just- just brought him this," I held out the container, "um it's his, so yeah, if you could give that to him. You don't have to say I was here... well, he'd know I was-"


I spun around at the sound of Noah's voice. He looked worn out, with his dress shirt unbuttoned some. He was coming home from work. Noah looked confused, but not angry that I was there... and also had a guy with him.

You're so stupid and pathetic, Sam.

I laughed anxiously again, my whole body was shaking on the inside. He looked down at my hand that held the container. I held it up to him, "here you go," I said and hated that my voice came out high pitched.

"Sam," the guy next to Noah said (who I refused to look at cause one glance had me almost tripping from how attractive he was, but Ben was hotter, so that made me feel slightly better. Slightly). But I had to look at him when he said my name, "Nice to meet you." I could only give a small smile which fell when the attractive guy said, "I'm Wesley, I work with Noah."

My heat stopped. Wesley. The same Wesley Noah 'danced' with?

I wanted to run away, but I held my head high and gave him a friendly smile.

"You should come in and we can all hang out," Wesley suggested innocently.

"Wes," Noah spoke Wesley's nickname with a dark threat to it.

"No thanks," I said, keeping my emotions at bay before shoving the stupid container against Noah's chest, "see you in class," I muttered to him and walked away, ready to cry from how embarrassing that was, until I was at the bus stop. I had to wait only ten minutes along with a balding old man for the city bus.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid," I repeated to myself once the bus arrived and I settled into a seat. I should've given Noah the container during class on Friday. Instead I made a fool out of myself and for what? What did I think was going to happen? What did I even want to happen?

But that didn't matter because as soon as I was at my destination and Ben was opening the door to his dorm, I felt better. Lighter.

"Hey baby, what are you doing here? I was just about to call you."

I stepped in, shut the door, and pulled Ben to me. I took control of the kiss that time because I needed chaos and lust and anything to release the tension in my body and Ben was good for that.

My tongue plunged into his mouth and I advanced forward until I shoved him onto his bed.

"Baby, wait."

I pulled back "Is this too much?"

"No, but what if Brandon walks in?" He asked in a slight panic.

"Live on the risky side, Ben, it's more thrilling," I told him. I was kneeling on the carpeted floor in between his legs- my hands running up and down his thighs. "But if you want me to stop, I will."

Ben glanced nervously from the door back down to me, the door one more time, then said, "Okay," he nodded.

"You can always use the safe word," I said reassuringly. Ben came up with a safe word so that when things got a little too much in the bedroom, we'd stop if one of us said it. Ben was the only one who's used it. Once when I placed his hand on my throat and once when I put handcuffs on him.

When I received the nod of approval from my boyfriend, I undid his pants, slid them down to his ankles along with his briefs, and took him in my mouth.


Sammy boy wants a different d*** in his mouth 🫢

A second post for you❤️Thank you for reading!! <3

Next chapter out on Wednesday.

-Xoxo, Bert

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