26- Noah

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Having Sam back in my arms felt unimaginable and yet his stunning body, in my t-shirt, was sound asleep. His arms wrapped around my nude torso, our legs tangled up, and his head buried in my chest.

I got minimal amount of sleep last night because my whole being- mind, body, and soul- couldn't rest. Too elated from what transpired between Sam and I. But even with my lack of sleep, I felt more energized than I've felt in a while. I felt high without actually being high.

Sam's body stirred and he let out a sleepy groan, his brunette hair rumpled from last night gave off the most adorable bedhead. "How'd you sleep?" I asked him once his emerald eyes fluttered open.

Sam beamed, hugging my body, "Mmm so good. Like the best sleep I've gotten in a while," he claimed.

"That's good," I said, kissing the top of his head.

"What about you?"

"I didn't get much sleep, too restless," I told him honestly as my hand lazily grazed his back from underneath his shirt.

Sam couldn't stop grinning, "And why's that?"

"I don't know, maybe because of the really good sex I had last night," I offered lightly.

Sam gave a short giggle before he bite his lip to keep from smiling. I laid my hand delicately on his cheek, my thumb gently pulling his bottom lip down before I leaned in and kissed him. Sam smiled through the kiss. As perfect as that moment was, there were still things each of us needed to get off our chest.

I sunk lower in the bed and Sam shifted to allow me to lay face to face with him, both of us on our side. I had a lot of things I wanted to talk to Sam about, but what came out of my mouth was something I desperately needed to know. "Do you love me?" I asked him in a small voice, my fingers playing with the hair that laid around his ear.

"Of course I do," Sam spoke at the same low volume, but with truth. His eyes not leaving mine.

My heart was beating out of my chest, but that answer wasn't good enough, "You say that like you didn't spend the past week turning me down."

"Can you really blame me for being absolutely terrified of starting something again with us?"

"I know, I'm sorry."

Sam sighed and sat up, taking my hands and tugging slightly to get me to do the same. Now both of us sitting up- Sam's legs crisscross while mine stretched out with me leaning against the pillows. "It wasn't just on you. We both have a lot to work on if we're gonna be together."

"I know, but we shouldn't have broken up last year. I was just so angry at you for not telling me about my mom and I didn't know how to handle it other than walking out. But I've been working on that."

"I know you have and from what I've seen from you and heard from Ciera, you're doing so much better with your anger which does relieve some anxiety I have towards us... but that doesn't take away the shit you put me though. And that I put you through."

"I agree, so maybe we take it slow? Like not seeing each other everyday, and as much as I want you in my bed every night, maybe we stick to just the weekends."

Sam nodded, "I think that's a good idea."

I took a deep breath before saying, "Another thing; you're friends with Carter. I'm going to try my best to be okay with that because he's your best friend and I don't want to take him away from you, but I don't know if I'm okay with you seeing him alone," I said honestly. My stomach felt queasy at the thought of Carter and Sam alone in the same bedroom. "At least for now until our trust for each other is stronger."

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