15- Sam

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I got to Noah's place by six-fifty at night, but didn't want to be pathetically early to talk to my ex, so I waited until seven-ten in the lobby before going up to his floor. Which I knew was equally pathetic.

My insides were trembling, I was so nervous to speak to Noah. We haven't had a genuine conversation in mouths and I didn't know if this "talk" would officially end ties between us or not.

And that thought terrified me, so with a shaky hand, I knocked on Noah's front door which I was all too familiar with. It wasn't Noah, but his roommate- who I still don't remember the name of- answered. Go figure. "Oh hey, Sam," she greeted me.

"Hey, um... sorry, I forgot your name," I spoke sheepishly.

"Ciera," she informed me. She seemed to be ready for a cozy night in with her black, cotton shorts and an oversized black hoodie.

Noah's hoodies to be exact. It was plain black with the Nike symbol on right of the chest area. I've worn that hoodie multiple times.

I really couldn't keep up with Noah and his -apparently multiple- lovers.

"Ciera, right. I-" ahhhh why couldn't Noah have answered the door? "Uh we're- me and Noah- Noah and I, ah hahaha, um we were gonna talk, so I told him I'd be here at seven and... um... is- is Noah here?" Why didn't I ask that from the start? Because I'm a freaking idiot, that's why.

"He's not here actually."

I tried not to come off too disappointed. "Oh... he said... is he at work?"

"He's off today, but I'm sure he'll be home soon, come in."

Oh God, déjà vu. Except this time, I stupidly agreed, "Yeah, o- okay," because I was desperate to talk to Noah and maybe he was just running an errand.

Taking her up on the offer, I stepped inside the apartment. Last time I was in Noah's apartment was when I was screaming at him to 'break up with me like a fucking man!' So yeah, I wasn't feeling the greatest.

"I was making myself some hot chocolate if you want some," Ciera offered, making her way into the kitchen. The same kitchen Noah fucked me in months ago.

Oh wow, I really gotta stop picturing that because then I was imagining that time Noah placed me on the counter top, his mouth on mine while his hands went to my-

"Sam?" I heard, bringing me out of my Noah fever dream.

"Huh?" I faced Ciera and she shook a mug in the air. Hot chocolate. She had offered me hot chocolate. "Oh! Um, yeah thank you."


"I'm just gonna-" I gestured towards the stool underneath the edge of the counter.

"Yeah, go ahead," she said so I took a seat. I watched as Ciera pulled out a pot and placed it on the stove. "Oat milk okay?"

"Sounds good. So no hot cocoa packet then?"

"Hell no, homemade hot chocolate is the best," Ciera claimed. She already had her ingredients out, Hershey's cocoa powder, sugar, oat milk. She even had peppermint creamer to add and whip cream.

"So um, how's... how's living with Noah?" I asked to bring some sort of conversation to the table.

"Not horrible. I think we both balance each other out. Though I could do without his PMSing." I chuckled and watched her pour the steaming hot chocolate into two different mug. Hers saying "hot shit" on the side and mine having a funky tie-dye pattern to it. "Actually his mood has been better now that he's been talking to someone," Ciera told me as she sat on the stool next to mine.

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