5- Sam

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The first day of school was awkward.

If you're not familiar, before you can go into college level math, you have to take a test to see where you're at in solving mathematical problems and such. If you get a low grade, you take a math 101 class that is kind of like a refresher class before going into college level. If you pass, you go straight to the college level class.

I assumed Noah didn't pass his math test (he's always been bad at math, no judgement). Either that or he decided not to start math until the following year because Noah was sitting in the back row of college level one class- math 102- where I just entered.

My ex who yelled at me to stay away from him was attending the same class as me. Fantastic.

Luckily, Noah didn't seem to notice me with his head hanging low. He was leaning against his chair, looking unapproachable with his arms crossed, hoodie up, and bored expression on his face.

I ducked my head and quickly got into a seat to the farthest chair in the front row. I didn't want to see him and I sure as heck didn't want him to see me.

One thing I was positive about from our talk at the party; Noah's anger issues hasn't changed. Go figure.

I pulled out my phone.

Today 8:50 AM

Picking a 9am math class
was a horrible mistake. I
need coffee!! Please save me

Ben responded to my message right away; he also had math early, but not until Wednesday.

Lol I wish I could, I'd do
anything to lay in bed w
you rn.

Mmm and what would you
do to me if we were in bed ?

I'll tell you tonight 😉

I was about to reply to that when my professor walked in. Putting my phone on silent, I slid it in my pocket.

The professor was short and on the heavier side with a big round belly, covered with a sweater vest over a blue button down dress shirt and wore tan slacks. He had thick glasses, a receding hairline, and a scruffy beard. He spoke with a rough, aged voice, "Welcome to Math 102. I'm Professor Weber. I'm gonna do roll call real fast- see how many students walked into the wrong class," he received a few chuckles from that. "Then pass out the syllabus."

Oh God, roll call? How did I not think of that? I sunk lower in my chair. I'll just raise my hand when I'm called instead of saying 'here'. Oh crap, that obviously won't matter; Noah's gonna hear my name called whether I announced that I was there or not.

Part of me wished I was actually in the wrong class as Professor Weber began ticking off names. Alphabetically.

He was at the M's. "Kelly Mars?"


"John Martin?"

A hand was raised.

"Sarah Moore?"

"Here." With a hand up.

"Sam Moretti?"

Oh no. I raised my hand and Professor Weber moved on. I dared a look back in Noah's direction and he was looking at me. His expression unreadable. I faced the front of the room and zoned out the entire time our Professor discussed the syllabus and upcoming assignments.

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