13- Sam

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The following week, things shifted between Noah and I. We weren't friends but we also weren't... not friends. It was weird and it started on Monday morning right before class.

As soon as I was about to enter the door to Math 102, Noah swooped in out of nowhere, causing both of us to bump into the doorway. "What do you think you're doing?" I asked with a bit of edge to my voice, but also confusion.

"Uh, trying to get into my class?" He spoke with the 'duh' implied. I'll admit, I couldn't keep my eyes from looking down quickly then back up. He of course looked good in his light blue fitted jeans, white t-shirt, with an open button down, short sleeve shirt. It was maroon and dammit if it wasn't his color. And of course the Air Force Ones and a silver chain around his neck to tie it all together. I hated how much I loved his style. Ugh.

"I was here first," I stated, matter- of- factly.

"Yeah, well, you're a freshy, so by majority..." he pushed past, nudging me aside so he could enter the class, "I go first."

I wanted to laugh, but kept a straight face, "I think Seniority is the word you're looking for," I told him, following his tall build threw the door. He turned to me and looked as though he was about to counteract me before I held up my hand, "I actually don't have time for grammar lessons, maybe after class?" I offered, but I turned and walked to my seat.

I bit my lip to keep me from smiling. That bantering didn't stop after Monday. On Tuesday, though we didn't have class together, on my way to my English class, I spotted Noah. He was walking towards a water fountain, the type meant  only for water bottles.

I suppose I can fill up my water bottle before class, I thought. "Thirsty?" I questioned Noah when I stood to the side of the water fountain waiting as he pressed his Yeti bottle against the sensor that registered the water.

"That's kinda why I'm here. Don't you have class?" He asked, still hadn't faced me.

"I do. In four minutes, actually, so if you could speed it up," I told him.

"I can only go as fast as the water," Noah said.

I started tapping my foot to annoy him, but my foot slowed to a stop once I realized what he was doing. Noah's Yeti was overflowing to the point of the water, water falling down into the drain. Just wasting water. "What are you doing?" I questioned him.

He looked at me with a slight grin that only Noah could pull off, "four minutes, huh?"

I scoffed, "You're really going to waste water for four minutes just so I don't have time to fill up my bottle?"

"Mm, I think you only have two minutes. Class starts at ten, right? My next one starts at ten-thirty."

I didn't know how to respond to that and honestly I was baffled that he wouldn't move and I really had no choice but to go to class. "Fine," I said because he won.

"Have fun in class, stay hydrated," he called to me as I turned around. I held up my hand, still walking away from him, and flipped him off.

On Wednesday though, I won. There was this coffee cart that the business major students put together and set up outside. Not only do they have coffee, but hot chocolate and muffins as well.

I was in line when Noah came up to me. We didn't talk just stood in line for a moment until I couldn't take it and said, "and you said I was stalking you."

"Hey, I'm always here Wednesday mornings," Noah stated. "They have the best chocolate chip muffin."

"Hm. Well, I'm here for the hot chocolate," I said, but Noah made the mistake of telling me what he was getting because as soon as I got up to the cart I said, "Can I get all of your chocolate chip muffins and a cup of hot chocolate?" I didn't give Noah the satisfaction of me witnessing his glare. I just watched as the girl placed the last three muffins in a bag and poured hot chocolate into a disposable cup.

"Wow," I heard from Noah who towered behind me.

I turned to Noah with an innocent smile, "see you in class," and I walked away, the funny part was I wasn't planning on eating those muffins (I gave them to Kai later that day) but the look on Noah's face was priceless.

I was walking towards the math building when I heard fast footsteps approaching. I grinned, ready for the banter, but it wasn't Noah who came up to me.

An arm wrapped around me, "Sam, long time no see."

I internally groaned, "Jude," I shoved his arm off me. "Stay away from me."

Jude laughed, "Always so hostile," he got in front of me, forcing me to stop in my tracks. "Why is that?" He asked as if he genuinely didn't know.

"I don't have time for middle school drama, so if you'll excuse me..." I tried side stepping away from the psycho blonde that was a major source in the destruction of mine and Noah's relationship last year, but he gripped my arm to stop me.

"I was talking to you," Jude claimed, but almost sounded like a threat.

I narrowed my eyes at him and was about to give him a piece of my mind when a large hand landed firmly on Jude's shoulder and pulled him back which got Jude's hand to detach from me. "Walk away, Jude, don't give me a reason to hit you," Noah spoke with a deadly tone.

"Always need saving, huh?" Jude spoke to me, ignoring Noah. "I'll catch up with you another time."

"I'd prefer it if you didn't," I said bitterly, but Jude had already started walking away. Then I turned to Noah, "I don't need your help, Noah."

"Yeah, well, I helped anyway. If you hadn't noticed, you're smaller than Jude," he pointed out.

I rolled my eyes and started heading towards the building, "I was fine." Part of me felt annoyed with Noah because it brought up the crappy past of me continuously warning him about Jude. And now that Noah realized Jude was bad news, he finally defended me?

"Hey," Noah called to me, catching up to my side, "If he talks to you again, tell me and I'll deal with it."

"I wouldn't ask you to do that," I said. You wouldn't have to deal with it now had you dealt with it nine months ago, I thought. "We're gonna be late for class," and our conversation dropped.


Who wants Noah to beat Jude's ass?🙋🏼

Thank you for reading!

-Xoxo, Bert

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