28- Noah

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Merry Christmas


I was on cloud nine.

When I got home from dropping Sam off at his dorm, Ciera and Kaitlyn were getting ready for their date while I zoned out, my mind replaying last night with my hands on Sam's naked body, my lips on his. It was perfect, and in a matter of hours Sam will be knocking on my door and informing me that he broke up with Boring Ben.

"I don't think I've ever seen you look this happy," Ciera commented while she leaned into the bathroom mirror and carefully drew a long line of eyeliner onto her eyelid. Kaitlyn was picking clothes in Ciera's bedroom. Then Ciera added, "Sex must've been good."

I chuckled, "The best. You don't even know."

"I promise you, it wasn't as good as the sex I had last night," she spoke confidently.

I raised my eyebrows, "Oh yeah?" I questioned with a sly smile.

I watched through the bathroom mirror as Ciera smiled softly to herself. "Yeah, she was-"

I shook my head, "Imma have to stop you right there. I'm happy for you guys and whatever, but that's my ex you slept with and I'm not trying to hear details on that."

Ciera rolled her eyes, "Okay, loser, then tell me about your night because I know you're dying to."

I grinned with a hint of a laugh because that's how happy I was as I explained my night before with Sam. I didn't go into what transpired between Sam and Jude, I wanted to burn that memory and hope Sam does too.

"And now," I said after finishing up, "He's breaking it off with Boring Ben and we won't have to deal with anymore bullshit." Just the thought of being able to kiss and hold and touch Sam whenever I want had my head feeling light and my heart feeling full.

"I'm happy for you guys. Just don't fuck it up over dumb shit this time. And actually talk things through."

"We did talk. We talked about taking it slow this time."

"That's good. I think that's smart." Ciera was still talking when I got a text message from Sam.


I wasn't able to do it, I'll explain later.

My heart dropped and I stood up.

"What's wrong?" I heard Ciera ask, but I was too confused with Sam's messages to respond.

Please don't be upset.

"What the fuck?" I muttered to myself and pressed on the call icon in his contact and brought my phone up to my ear. After two rings, the call was declined.

I can't talk right now, I'm with Ben.

Ciera stopped putting on makeup and turned to me with a concerned look.

wtf do you mean don't
be upset? Call me rn Sam.

I will. Give me an hour.

You can't be serious.

I'm sorry.

"What the fuck?" I questioned out loud. I wanted to throw my phone against the wall.

"What just happened?" Ciera asked me.

I took a deep breath and handed her my phone. Ciera read the messages as I tried not to get too worked up over Sam's vague fucking texts.

I shook my head, "of fucking course," I muttered before exclaiming "Of course! God, why can't anything just go my fucking way? Just once. Fuck!"

Ciera set down my phone and turned to me cautiously, "Hey, just take a deep breath. Clearly there's a reason why Sam couldn't break up with Ben right now, that doesn't mean he won't."

"Oh really? And what fucking reason could Sam have for not breaking up with Ben right fucking now?" I knew I shouldn't take my anger out on Ciera, but I couldn't help the curse words that flew out of my mouth and the rise in volume in my voice.

"I don't know, but don't get so worked up over it just yet, okay? Go sit down and take deep breaths."

"Fuck this," I said, grabbing my phone and was about to walk out of the bathroom when Ciera grabbed my arm.

She gave me a stern look, "Chill, Noah. Relax and wait for Sam to call you. Don't do anything irrational when you don't even know what's going on, got it?"

I took a deep breath- in through my nose and out through my mouth- before nodding and Ciera released me. But I couldn't sit still. Sam wouldn't text me back after I messaged him to explain through text and Ciera and Kaitlyn left for the day, so I was stuck anxiously waiting to figure out what the hell Sam was talking about.

Until he called me two hours later, "What the fuck, Sam?" Was how I answered his call.

"I know, I know! I'm so sorry. Ben's grandma just passed away and Ben was really close to her and he asked me to go to the funeral with him."

I groaned, "Fucking Hell. And you obviously said yes."

"What was I supposed to do?" He asked me with his voice rising.

"Say, 'go to it yourself, she's not my fucking grandma?' I don't know."

Sam scoffed, "I wouldn't do that."

"Clearly not," I spoke bitterly.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm just going to be gone for a few days with him and then I'll do it when we get back?"

"Do what?" I asked because I wanted him to say it out loud even though I knew Sam rolled his eyes at that.

"Break up with Ben, you asshole."

"Right, I'm the asshole," I scoffed.

"I'm sorry Noah. Do you think I want to be here?"

"You tell me," I muttered, but I knew I was overreacting.

"Noah," Sam said my name like he was disappointed.

I sighed, "No, I don't think you want to be there, but please, Sam, end it after this," I said with edge to my words.

"I know, I will. I'm sorry Noah, I didn't expect this to happen."

I knew he was right, but I still hated this, "I know." But the thought of Ben and Sam together for the next couple days. Ugh. "Please don't kiss him."

"Noah, I want to be kissing you, not him, okay? I'll end it once we get back. I gotta go, I can't be on my phone too much or he'll know something's off. I'm sorry."

And then Sam hung up.


Hey guys, I'm not 100% back yet, but I thought you guys deserved chapters.

Tbh, I got into a relationship 4 months ago that took all my focus away from my passions such as writing and I fell deep into a blinded love. Now that relationship is over and I'm going through a really tough break up.

Finishing this story has been a big challenge for me, but I'm going to do my best because I owe it to myself and my readers to complete this trilogy.

Thank you all for being patient. Much love and Merry Christmas.

-Xoxo, Bert

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